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  • can't view all of my map

    The LAND Sheet has no Color Key effect on it, and neither does the COASTLINE Sheet, on which the magenta patches have been drawn. In fact, no Sheet in this FCW has a Color Key effect on it currently. I also note a couple of those magenta patches are on the MERGE Layer - you DO NOT want them on that one!

  • Creating your own style

    Looks as if you've accidentally created a maze-mapping toolset along the way to me. Change the city-blocks fill to greenery, and off you go!

  • The Gorgon's Head: A beer hall where gnomes get their own room

    Interesting setup.

    Some of the shadows look odd, especially those objects that don't currently have any - really low table in the middle of the floor, for instance!

    It's also probably worth putting the chairs, benches and stools on a different Sheet to the tables, so the tables will cast a shadow on the seats, and the seats won't all have the same shadows as the tables.

    Bit tough having to run outside every time to find a toilet, but maybe that's in the upstairs ๐Ÿ˜

    Depending on where it's located, it might be worth considering adding a fireplace to at least the main room?

  • [WIP] Continent Map using CC3+ MS Overland and other resources

    This looks good.

    Not sure about the labels crossing one another though; I'd be inclined to redraft those so they can all be read clearly.

    The coastline also seems a bit too harsh and linear currently. Maybe change the land to a smooth-edged polygon, or add some more nodes to the existing coastline, to make it look less jarring - all the other lines flow nicely, after all.

  • Live Mapping: Black and White Cities

    Yep, had guessed something must be wrong. Best wishes to Ralf for a speedy recovery!

  • [WIP] Continent Map using CC3+ MS Overland and other resources

    Map labelling's always tricky. There's an inevitable trade-off between clarity, precision and how much information you need to/want to present. Colour-coding the settlement names, as you've done here, is a useful trick, and maybe just using that with a map legend to say which colour means what realm might be sufficient at this smaller scale. The larger-scale text labels still seem a little too distracting, for all their faded transparency, to me, but the important thing is that you're happy with the end result, of course! And the maps DO look good!

  • Live Mapping: Starmaps and Galaxy Maps

    And bring your tricorders ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Problems with Annual Overland Hex Map

    I highlighted the issue of the symbols in this style not snapping to the grid correctly earlier. As that didn't draw a response, and from this topic, it's clearly an ongoing issue, which presumably hasn't been resolved by an update of the Annual more recently.

    The structure symbols changing size could be because you changed the size of the symbols while you were mapping, but when you've reopened the file, it's reset to the default size for the area you're mapping (what you get if you click the "Set normal" button after calling up the "Symbol Parameters" information pane).

    The structures will actually go on whichever of the Symbols sheets you currently have selected. If you didn't have any of the Symbols sheets selected when you placed the symbol, it will default to the ordinary "Symbols" sheet.

    As Sue and Jim have said though, if you are willing to share the FCW file, that should allow us to confirm if anything else may be happening here.

  • Does anyone have a Greyhawk underdark CC2 or CC3/CC3+ map ?

    I did try some hunting around Jim, but the best I could find were PDFs or straight images only. It might be possible to use an image superimposed over the CC2 map you found to correct that one though?

  • Fractal Coastlines CC3 Hex Overland

    But the hexes are too small to see...Oh wait, WIP... ๐Ÿ˜‰
