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  • Looking for Advice on Terrain Techniques

    If Erdan Worlds won't let you do what you want with the mapping, it's probably best to look around for something that will. 13th Age might be somewhat closer to that example map whose style you want to replicate, for instance as a first suggestion. You're never going to get exact matches for everything, of course (unless the source map's in a style PF already has available that is!), so you need to decide what's most important to preserve, and then work around that.

    In terms of the Sheet Effects, like Edge Fade and Edge Fade Inner, or others that may help blend adjacent textures, adjusting the size and strength beyond the presets is always worth trying out. Experimentation is key though, as has been said before re Sheet Effects generally, and trying to advise you "blind" like this isn't really practical. You just need to play around with ideas and see what you think looks good. If you run into specific snags, someone here may well be able to assist.

    You might also want to try varying the edges of adjacent terrains, so they're not always simple linear features - not saying to use fractals here, just add some extra curves and variations by-hand (like a weak "jigsaw piece" join, perhaps), nothing very finely-detailed. With a strong enough Effect, you'll not see much of the original shape, and it may help break-up the linear junction a bit more.

    The blending in this sample map looks like it could work by adding rounded patches of one of the greens over the top of the other, with a strong Edge Fade Inner Effect on the patches Sheet, for instance.

  • Richard Baker's World Builder's Guide Map Templates

    You're welcome, Quenten!

    I do wonder what other gems might be hidden among the old Map Library files. I checked though quite a lot of what was available there when I first got CC3 (as it was then; about ten years ago now, when the Library was still easy to find), but wouldn't have thought to check for items like this then. I was mostly interested in new symbols back then, though most - probably all; I forget now - were vector types, of course, many from the days of CC2 or before, I suspect.

    LoopysueSalvatore Serio
  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Kumarikandam - Xinxing - Ylangxi City

    Looking interesting!

    Labels are getting a bit lost currently though - and is there a reason why some are in the same fancy typeface as the title, while others are like the subtitle line?

    [Deleted User]
  • Community Atlas - Stromphe - Cockles Maze District

    I was thinking more of a number list for particular items, and which could be slotted into some of the "empty" sea space, assuming there wouldn't be too many, given the small amount of built-up land on this map.

    And maybe some map labels for the headland, rocks in the sea, and suchlike. That long cliff-line is something that would be liable to attract a local name, for instance.

    [Deleted User]
  • hexagon distance, map in post

    Jim, I think your original maps are from the Argan Argar Atlas, which states only that the hex scale is 8 km or 5 miles. All that means is each hex is classed as five miles in size, but that's NOT in any specific direction. This was a very common assumption at one time, when hexes were really just used for approximate distance estimating in games overall (RPGs and boardgames), so it's not a true scale from any one part of the hex to another.

    It doesn't help that even some of the original hand-drawn maps of Glorantha by Greg Stafford don't have a proper scale on them, so realistically, you can set whatever scale distance best suits your purposes, and not get bogged down in the minutiae of mathematical precision for something that never had it in the first place!

    If you want to investigate further, this topic on the Basic Role Playing Forum (for those unfamiliar, BRP is the base RPG system engine all the Chaosium RPGs use) pretty much covers all the essential details and issues. Even the official published RQ books and maps aren't consistent in their scaling of the same places - which to an extent is fair enough, as this is a game world set in what for Earth would be the Bronze Age!

  • Panzer sample thread

    I agree the Sd 222 looks too dark. Rusting and damaged is fine, but it still needs to be seen when used on a map.

    Classic problem when painting miniatures for tabletop wargaming too; too realistically camouflaged and you can't find them among the vegetation, etc. Always a degree of compromise involved.

    Don't know quite what it is, but the Sd 222 always looks like a "Doctor Who" Dalek to me...

  • Light Harbour - a coded city

    There seems something of a disconnect between the "Building Codes" colours and what's actually visible on the map, so it's unclear to me what the point of still showing the colour coding is in this view.

    The overall texturing looks very unclear currently. That may be partly the usual Forum resolution issue, but to my eye, the roofs at present look hugely oppressive and uninformative, just masses of dark and tan colouring. Some of the hatching on the fields and in parts of the city look very similar too, which together gives a confusing impression. Do the roofs actually need showing? The previous iteration of the map seemed more useful as a map overall because of the colour coding. I'm unclear what showing the roofs is meant to accomplish right now though.

    Quite a number of the labels that are legible are inverted presently.

    [Deleted User]
  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Delicious! And spider-meat "bacon". Now where's the frying pan? ๐Ÿ˜

  • Winter Trail Project

    Well, doesn't look much like the tracks for Winnie the Pooh and Piglet... Maybe a Woozle? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • Mike Schley freebies

    Hope you've all collected your new free symbols now.

    Mike's certainly been racking them up this year. Sorry, I'm not grating on too much about this, am I? It would be unpalletable to be chained to that like an iron bar. Or that seems key to me anyway, to avoid being manacled to the last straw.

    [There isn't a "groan" option here either, is there? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ho, ho ho! Christmas cracker jokes already...]๐ŸŽ„
