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  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    For @DoubleDouble and anyone else interested, this page on ancient port structures has some notes on the archaeological/historical use of constructed breakwaters and other artificial port structures, beginning around 2600 BCE (Egypt, Gulf of Suez). I'd recommend taking time to check through the other links and references if this subject catches your attention, though your life can end up taken over by such matters without due care...

  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    Mystara rather passed me by @Tonnichiwa, as I'd moved on to my own version of D&D, and other RPG systems, even by the time it first featured, as the Known World (in Module X1 "The Isle of Dread" according to online sources, in 1981). I have gone back in more recent times and looked over some of what was published for the Known World/Mystara setting, though after getting back strongly involved with D&D only when 5e appeared, I've concentrated more on finding past details for the Forgotten Realms setting, because of its intimate connection with 5e from the outset.

  • How can I change the text on scalebar?

    More work of course, but you can also draw your own scalebar, and then label it as you please, in CC3+. If you set the grid scale correctly, and use the "Ortho" and "Snap" commands, it's not as difficult as you might imagine. Might not be so artistic as some of the symbol scalebar options though!

  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    I suspect my (ongoing) connection to miniatures (and scenery, and everything else that goes with it) is because I started out as a model-maker, and only got involved in wargaming proper a few years after that, at the end of the '60s and early 1970s. Many tabletop rule systems are, and always were slow, but most of what I've done has been for my own interest and solo, so that was never a great issue for me. And a lot of the larger-area battles are fought using the miniatures as little more than markers, so I quite understand your "scale" problems.

    I never understood why so many wargames have to be "balanced", when reality very rarely is (unless somebody's really screwed-up their reconnaissance and planning), which I think is why I never took to needing a group to game with. That was just too much like chess to me, whereas I wanted to try to better understand real, or potentially real, situations.

    JimPmike robel
  • [WIP] Community Atlas 1000th Map Competition: Elkton, Alarius North Central

    There aren't any rivers marked on the area map. Should I take these out?

    Up to you, but I'd say not, since the place needs a reliable water source, and the area map is truly vast, so small streams and even modest rivers, likely wouldn't feature.

    And were-elks will the were-elks get a drink ๐Ÿ˜‰?

    [What have I started...]

    LoopysueRoyal Scribe
  • Panzer sample thread

    I agree the Sd 222 looks too dark. Rusting and damaged is fine, but it still needs to be seen when used on a map.

    Classic problem when painting miniatures for tabletop wargaming too; too realistically camouflaged and you can't find them among the vegetation, etc. Always a degree of compromise involved.

    Don't know quite what it is, but the Sd 222 always looks like a "Doctor Who" Dalek to me...

  • Light Harbour - a coded city

    There seems something of a disconnect between the "Building Codes" colours and what's actually visible on the map, so it's unclear to me what the point of still showing the colour coding is in this view.

    The overall texturing looks very unclear currently. That may be partly the usual Forum resolution issue, but to my eye, the roofs at present look hugely oppressive and uninformative, just masses of dark and tan colouring. Some of the hatching on the fields and in parts of the city look very similar too, which together gives a confusing impression. Do the roofs actually need showing? The previous iteration of the map seemed more useful as a map overall because of the colour coding. I'm unclear what showing the roofs is meant to accomplish right now though.

    Quite a number of the labels that are legible are inverted presently.

    [Deleted User]
  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Delicious! And spider-meat "bacon". Now where's the frying pan? ๐Ÿ˜

  • Mike Schley freebies

    Hope you've all collected your new free symbols now.

    Mike's certainly been racking them up this year. Sorry, I'm not grating on too much about this, am I? It would be unpalletable to be chained to that like an iron bar. Or that seems key to me anyway, to avoid being manacled to the last straw.

    [There isn't a "groan" option here either, is there? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ho, ho ho! Christmas cracker jokes already...]๐ŸŽ„

  • hexagon distance, map in post

    Jim, I think your original maps are from the Argan Argar Atlas, which states only that the hex scale is 8 km or 5 miles. All that means is each hex is classed as five miles in size, but that's NOT in any specific direction. This was a very common assumption at one time, when hexes were really just used for approximate distance estimating in games overall (RPGs and boardgames), so it's not a true scale from any one part of the hex to another.

    It doesn't help that even some of the original hand-drawn maps of Glorantha by Greg Stafford don't have a proper scale on them, so realistically, you can set whatever scale distance best suits your purposes, and not get bogged down in the minutiae of mathematical precision for something that never had it in the first place!

    If you want to investigate further, this topic on the Basic Role Playing Forum (for those unfamiliar, BRP is the base RPG system engine all the Chaosium RPGs use) pretty much covers all the essential details and issues. Even the official published RQ books and maps aren't consistent in their scaling of the same places - which to an extent is fair enough, as this is a game world set in what for Earth would be the Bronze Age!
