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  • Can the "C" = corner option be added to the drawing tool options list?

    Thanks for that. It was while watching Ralf having to add multiple clicks to get corners on a drawing tool smooth poly I was prompted to ask, but it's something I've run into repeatedly too when adding a smooth poly outside the map border to ensure the edge effects are properly hidden by the screen. Be nice to have a full set of such options with the smooth poly drawing tools, certainly.

  • New Commission. Ghorfar

    "The png has no lines, thank heavens. But this jpg might."

    Yeah, but aren't they for the contours, rivers, roads - Oh wait... ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Not sure about the strength of the "Copyright Bay" label either ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    More seriously, the green skull with horns looks too pixellated to my eye; seems not to fit well with the rest of the map's style and clarity, though I appreciate that's entirely to do with the original source illustration, and not something that can be fixed without some serious redrawing.

    [Deleted User]
  • Lighting Exclusions

    That's what we like to see - people solving problems before we can leap in with the wrong explanation! ๐Ÿ˜

    Glows can be tricky beasts, I've found, which sometimes don't work well with other Effects even when they're on different Sheets on a map, and in variable ways (so they might affect some things on a Sheet but not others; I have no explanation for this...). Always worth experimenting though, to see what works best for what you want.

  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    For @DoubleDouble and anyone else interested, this page on ancient port structures has some notes on the archaeological/historical use of constructed breakwaters and other artificial port structures, beginning around 2600 BCE (Egypt, Gulf of Suez). I'd recommend taking time to check through the other links and references if this subject catches your attention, though your life can end up taken over by such matters without due care...

  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    Mystara rather passed me by @Tonnichiwa, as I'd moved on to my own version of D&D, and other RPG systems, even by the time it first featured, as the Known World (in Module X1 "The Isle of Dread" according to online sources, in 1981). I have gone back in more recent times and looked over some of what was published for the Known World/Mystara setting, though after getting back strongly involved with D&D only when 5e appeared, I've concentrated more on finding past details for the Forgotten Realms setting, because of its intimate connection with 5e from the outset.

  • Forest Trail project - part 1

    This used to happen with new sheets you'd created in any map. If you didn't put anything on the sheet, it would be deleted the next time you reopened the map. That was changed in an update a long while back, and while it does solve the problem that if you don't use it immediately, you'll lose it, it does mean most maps now end up with far too many sheets in, because nobody's ever going to remember which sheets haven't been used in a given map. Plus there's always the danger you'll accidentally delete some critical sheet by mistake that has something on you'd forgotten about if you try to do a cleanup manually.

    It would be excellent to have the same possibility to remove excess Sheets at the end of a map, just as you can with Layers, currently. Not sure how practical that would be from a programming perspective though.

    EukalyptusNow[Deleted User]
  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    I suspect my (ongoing) connection to miniatures (and scenery, and everything else that goes with it) is because I started out as a model-maker, and only got involved in wargaming proper a few years after that, at the end of the '60s and early 1970s. Many tabletop rule systems are, and always were slow, but most of what I've done has been for my own interest and solo, so that was never a great issue for me. And a lot of the larger-area battles are fought using the miniatures as little more than markers, so I quite understand your "scale" problems.

    I never understood why so many wargames have to be "balanced", when reality very rarely is (unless somebody's really screwed-up their reconnaissance and planning), which I think is why I never took to needing a group to game with. That was just too much like chess to me, whereas I wanted to try to better understand real, or potentially real, situations.

    JimPmike robel
  • Live Mapping: Herwin Wielink Isometric Dungeons

    Did anyone use an isometric map during a game? and if so, how? Just as a handout/visualization tool for the players? or during an online session as a battlemap? Or in a different way?

    The only real use I've ever made of iso maps is as visual aids, although a lot of the earliest were really illustrations of buildings/locations, not true maps anyway, and done in a fully artistic style. The first actual iso maps I recall were from the original Castle Ravenloft maps from TSR, which also included some iso drawings. This concept followed through into the original "Ravenloft - Realm of Terror" boxed set, which had both maps and building diagrams done in an iso projection, as well as more traditional top-down maps. That would be in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

    I really wouldn't want to use these as tabletop battlemaps though, as the whole point of those is to show exactly where everyone is, and as iso isn't the easiest projection on which to visualise such things, I always found it better to avoid that.

    This is all from many years ago though, and only as in-person visual aids, so things, and people's expectations, may have moved on. I know some of the VTT set-ups allow you to visualise layouts in a mobile fashion, almost like real-world settings, so anything from top-down to side-on, or even from below, and that can be useful for helping people visualise what's on walls or shelves and in cabinets, for instance, as well as judge angles of slopes better. That though only really works if you're either online, or have a large enough screen that people at a table can all see equally what you're trying to show.

  • Forest Trail project - part 1

    Do I keep the non-mossy ones now I've figured out how to do the mossy ones?

    Of course, Sue.

    You should never ask the Internet and expect anything other than a resounding "Yes" to any question though ๐Ÿ˜

  • [WIP] Community Atlas 1000th Map Competition: Elkton, Alarius North Central

    There aren't any rivers marked on the area map. Should I take these out?

    Up to you, but I'd say not, since the place needs a reliable water source, and the area map is truly vast, so small streams and even modest rivers, likely wouldn't feature.

    And were-elks will the were-elks get a drink ๐Ÿ˜‰?

    [What have I started...]

    LoopysueRoyal Scribe