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  • Community Atlas: Errynor Map 33 - Hwael Igland

    No, I didn't try an export with the cliffs on, but zooming in and out made little difference to the problem that some of the lines spread across the intervening land, beyond the polygon's boundaries. There's also the issue that I design my Atlas maps to be viewed at the full-map level shown in the illustration above, and that's where I could see the various problems. While that might have been OK on an output at some size levels, if I can't confirm that in the CC3+ view, I'm not going to chance it!

    Thanks Sue & Jim! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • [WIP] Atlas Competition Entry - Coils of the Cold Coroner

    Does it actually matter? It gives me the impression that the blocky ice of the more northerly area continues in places through the hills and mountains, but only by straining quite hard at the image. Gives a feeling that something's not quite what it seems as well, perhaps.

    However, I suspect Monsen's right, that the opacity of the fills simply needs adjusting upwards to resolve!

    Autumn Getty
  • Mike Schley freebies

    Hope you've all collected your new free symbols now.

    Mike's certainly been racking them up this year. Sorry, I'm not grating on too much about this, am I? It would be unpalletable to be chained to that like an iron bar. Or that seems key to me anyway, to avoid being manacled to the last straw.

    [There isn't a "groan" option here either, is there? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ho, ho ho! Christmas cracker jokes already...]๐ŸŽ„

  • [WIP] Continent Map using CC3+ MS Overland and other resources

    Not sure if I'm interpreting what you're intending here correctly, but if the paler, sandy coloured coastal strip is meant to represent an extensive, low-lying beach, and the fractal lines are the actual high vertical cliffs, it might be useful to use the cliff lines as the coast, and make the seaward edge of the beach have a less strong outer effects line. If it's a beach, after all, it must be submerged by the tide in part at least some of the time, whereas the cliffs would form the actual coastal barrier.

  • Live Mapping - SS6 Isometric Cities

    Wasn't able to get along for yesterday's livestream, so have just been catching-up with the VOD tonight instead. SS6 looking good, and I suspect those circled key numbers especially are going to see a lot of use beyond this set alone!

    However, I was shocked to see the Hobbit village didn't make everyone in chat smial ๐Ÿ˜‰...

    [Deleted User]JimP
  • Any Oriental style symbol sets out there? (CC3+)

    Regarding the free monthly content, there's a new page on the PF website about this here. I'm not sure you can access it from any of the PF website links currently, but it was given on Ralf's recent blog posting about the new Orcish symbols.

    From that new webpage:

    This content is available as a separate download from your registration page (click the CC3+ downloads button to see it) and will be rolled into the full CC3+ setup and upgdates regularly.

    It does seem that only the current month's set is available as a download directly (just July's content is available from my own registration page today, certainly), but I assume that downloading the full CC3+ package would include June's symbols now. That might become problematic if you forget to download the set one month, but perhaps it's smart enough to realise if you haven't yet downloaded a given month's set after the month ends?

    If you've not found anything suitable for cherry blossom trees in an overland mapping style from Sue's suggestions, you might need to try a search for icons or mapping icons online to find something suitable in PNG format (or that you could convert to PNG, so you get a transparent background for the artwork), and either use that, or convert it into a CC3+ symbol using CC3+. A couple of quick Google searches using "oriental tree mapping icons" and "cherry blossom mapping icons" came up with quite a number of artwork options, certainly (all vector artwork, however, and often not in PNG format, but I was only doing a very quick chase-round!).

  • Can the "C" = corner option be added to the drawing tool options list?

    Thanks for that. It was while watching Ralf having to add multiple clicks to get corners on a drawing tool smooth poly I was prompted to ask, but it's something I've run into repeatedly too when adding a smooth poly outside the map border to ensure the edge effects are properly hidden by the screen. Be nice to have a full set of such options with the smooth poly drawing tools, certainly.

  • Lighting Exclusions

    That's what we like to see - people solving problems before we can leap in with the wrong explanation! ๐Ÿ˜

    Glows can be tricky beasts, I've found, which sometimes don't work well with other Effects even when they're on different Sheets on a map, and in variable ways (so they might affect some things on a Sheet but not others; I have no explanation for this...). Always worth experimenting though, to see what works best for what you want.

  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    For @DoubleDouble and anyone else interested, this page on ancient port structures has some notes on the archaeological/historical use of constructed breakwaters and other artificial port structures, beginning around 2600 BCE (Egypt, Gulf of Suez). I'd recommend taking time to check through the other links and references if this subject catches your attention, though your life can end up taken over by such matters without due care...

  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    Mystara rather passed me by @Tonnichiwa, as I'd moved on to my own version of D&D, and other RPG systems, even by the time it first featured, as the Known World (in Module X1 "The Isle of Dread" according to online sources, in 1981). I have gone back in more recent times and looked over some of what was published for the Known World/Mystara setting, though after getting back strongly involved with D&D only when 5e appeared, I've concentrated more on finding past details for the Forgotten Realms setting, because of its intimate connection with 5e from the outset.
