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  • Another little battle map

    Just a thought, but did you set up the trees so you can hide the canopies, yet still show where the trunks are for use in ground combat? Of course, that also means you can hide any GM-placed traps under the canopy cover as well ๐Ÿ˜‰!

  • No Flowers Petals with Flowers using Japanese Temples

    OK, so after an hour of checking, downloading and reinstalling, I have the complete 2018 Annual installed (again...), and an identical problem to Julian's still. No varicolor bushes unless I load from the PNG files, as described already above.

    Before I reinstalled, all four of the Japanese Temples FSC files had dates of 31/08/2018, and they all still do, so I can only assume they were never updated in the final (i.e. the one huge, ~2 GB, Annual download file for 2018).

    Hopefully these can be easily redone to correct the problem, though I imagine everyone who owns that Annual except Sue (!) will then need to reinstall the updated version.

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    And obviously shocked there's no wyvern statue ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฒ

    Yet ๐Ÿ˜

  • [WIP] The Dancing Princess (Community Atlas, Artemisia, Spiros Isle, Helinesa)

    Certainly, I found drawing "Naughty Lass" quite a challenge overall. There's a particular complexity in trying to visualise things in 3D to be able to draw 2D versions from top-down and side-on viewpoints, and deciding exactly which line you'll pick for the cross-section, etc. There isn't an ideal solution, so you end up just picking whatever seems to work better, and hope users/viewers will be able to tell what was intended.

    There is a similarity to the cross-sectional views of caves we've discussed before here, though with a ship, you can't usefully vary the line of any sections, as that just makes it still harder to draw for a vehicle.

    [Deleted User]Glitch
  • SPAM Problems?

    Best thing to do with Spam of course is slice and fry it; if only it was so simple to handle the computer version and those who post it ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿณ

    LillhansScottA[Deleted User]
  • How to correctly create linked maps?

    See this blog article by resident CC3+ expert Remy Monsen. Hopefully, that should help, but if you get stuck, feel free to ask here again!

  • WIP tavern

    While the size may seem wrong, by a strict comparison with some medieval European structures, this isn't for medieval Europe, it's for fantasy D&D, and is close to the scale size for this specific tavern as shown on Mike Schley's map of Saltmarsh in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh scenario book (Wizards of the Coast, 2019), assuming five-foot grid squares here. The appearance isn't quite the same as on that map, but this is an adaptation after all, and although there are a number of designs for the Wicker Goat Tavern online, I don't think there's an official D&D version, so some leeway is to be expected.

    In the original adventure (The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, TSR's Module U1, from 1981), you were expected to create your own version of the town from scratch - there are a few guidelines for key points, such as Point 4: "Decide where the characters could stay when resting in the town between adventures (the best inn? the only inn?); draw up a tariff (list of expenditures) for their accommodation and food." But that's as close as we got to a description for the inn/tavern, which didn't even get a name back then!

    That's not to say such points should just be ignored necessarily, and the heating and access points are useful considerations. However, if the final tavern is meant to fit to the size of the official Saltmarsh map, this is close enough to work for that.

  • Snowy lands

    Looking at the symbol and terrain use here, I think these could be used to create an illusory city too, or a literal ghost town, perhaps with some additional colour overlay effects, and perhaps some transparency about the symbols (less sure about the latter point, however). Or indeed a city of glass.

    Ricko Hascheroflo1
  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Kumarikandam - Xinxing - Ylangxi City

    The water texture looks rather "busy" to my eye, but that's probably just me.

    There is an issue with some of the text however, where the grey glow is blending into the background in places - on roads and buildings, especially where the road edges are outlined with narrow dark lines - e.g. "Petaluma Stockyards" and "The Heart Markets". In other places - e.g. "Northwind House", "Xi Ling's Market Gardens" - the text itself looks somewhat transparent when set above paler backgrounds. This is all based on the Gallery image, incidentally. However, it did look as if there problems with the text in parts of even the lower-res whole-map view posted above here.

    The bulk of the city seems a little empty of named places. Maybe even a few major street names might help here, although perhaps a few of the larger or different-looking properties might be named as well/instead?

    JimP[Deleted User]
  • Live Mapping: Parchment City (CANCELLED)

    Beat you to it Sue ๐Ÿ˜Ž!

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeJimP