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  • Install Order?

    Can't really do more than reiterate what Sue's said already re you and your mother's ongoing situation, and to hope things settle for you very soon.

    With CC3+, I think we all feel for you too. Even a short spell away, and I find I've forgotten something critical... If time and circumstances allow, it might be worth checking-in on one or two of the live PF mapping sessions on YouTube - or checking them later as VOD - as Ralf usually goes through all the basics of setting up a new map, as well as whatever the session's about, for instance, which might help get you back in the swing of things a bit quicker.

  • Community Atlas: Embra - Enclosed Places

    Enclosed Place of Interest 3 is the Floating Dale Park:

    This can be used as a typical real-world park, with opportunities to wander around, or play outdoor games on the central Playing Fields, whose unusual shape may call to mind that Faerie outdoor games and sports may not be quite those familiar from the Mortal Realm.

    There are a handful of surface-level buildings scattered around the map's centre, as one of the map toggles will reveal:

    These include the Pavilion, where equipment for playing sports and games is available, as well as a restaurant in the central octagon beneath the building's dome. And yes, some of the vegetation is actually intended to be of living glass in Glass Tree Forest. And again yes, those ARE bridges made from rainbows over the River Clack. As ever, the text and PDF files will explain a little more about both facets, and others, from this map. In case this seems not very "Enclosed", there ARE boundaries to the Park which are deliberately less obvious than some.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • keyboard shortcuts or commands

    Not commands as such, though as a fellow "shaker", I've found a small mouse that fits easily under my hand, so the heel of the hand is supported on the mouse mat, and with that arm further supported by a heavily-padded chair arm, helps in things like drawing and clicking on icons for commands. It does get tiring though is the only snag, and can be painful if you have to persist and use increasing pressure on the affected limb joints.

  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    @Loopysue commented: "After a lot of messing around learning how to draw them, we now have horses and cows. Sheep and pigs to come (I hope)."

    So, no poultry then? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ“

    And shouldn't the cows really be lying down in preparation for the rain - Darklands, after all? ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฎ

    Sorry, couldn't resist...

    [Deleted User]LoopysueRaiko
  • Greetings from Down Under

    Overwhelmed is normal at first, especially if you're not used to CAD software. Follow some of the tutorials with the program, and you'll soon find your feet with it. Then you'll be able to join the rest of us in beginning to understand we don't really know what we're doing either ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Community Atlas: Errynor - Aunty MacKassa's Home & Vehicles

    Thanks very much @Monsen (especially, as I know these were a little complex to add into the Atlas) & @Loopysue !

    [Deleted User]seycyrus
  • Text Along A Curve has changed under Updates 26 and 27

    After installing Update 26, I needed to add some fresh text along a curve to a map I've been working on, and found the dialogue box to do so had changed, primarily with the addition of three new checkboxes.

    If you set up your text along a curve as previously however, the default settings in these new checkboxes mean your text will now be INVERTED on the map. I spent an irritating ten minutes experimenting, trying to work out why, and managed finally to reset the checkboxes so the tool worked as it did previously.

    Then Update 27 was issued; installed that and the dratted checkboxes are back to what they were, so I've had to do it all again!!!

    There's no help or explanation for how to get the new system to work as previously, so to maybe assist others, what you must do is uncheck the "Align Text Upright" box (yes, this didn't make any sense to me either, but doing so is the ONLY way to unlock the other two new checkboxes, and they MUST be unlocked first to get the tool to function as before). All Align Text Upright seems to do is INVERT the text, not PLACE IT UPRIGHT at all - Inverse Logic, certainly!!!

    Once you've unlocked the other two checkboxes, "Use Other Side of Curve" and "Reverse Curve Direction", deselect both, and Text Along a Curve will then function exactly as it always previously has. Far from clear what the point of either of these options is, other than to make the text !desrever (= reversed!).

    It would have helped if the little graphics that show where your text will be placed in relation to the curve changed with the different checkbox options, in the absence of any other help regarding this tool adjustment. Beyond that, I'd hope Update 28 will at least have the default settings amended to actually make sense again. Please...

  • [WIP] Modern city map

    You'll be showing us the railway timetables to get to Oakwood next (but I'm not getting on Joe Sargent's bus there)!

    [The latter's a Lovecraft reference from The Shadow Over Innsmouth story for anyone confused...]

  • [WIP] Modern city map

    They always were Quenten; just becoming increasingly difficult to conceal that fact ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๏ธ๐Ÿฆ‘

    Lizzy_Maracuja[Deleted User]
  • Investigative shenanigans

    And not a bathroom in sight.
