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  • Welcome to the Updated Forum

    That would be wonderful. If not the Bottom of Page then perhaps the Page# links at the top of the page as well, whichever is easier or available.

    I know that it takes you to the last read post in a thread with new posts, but in one that you've already read you have to manually scroll to the bottom of the first page to see the page numbers to get to the desired page. I keep reaching for that Bottom link and it's not there anymore. ?

    He is good to us Sue, and he is very much appreciated.

  • [WIP] May Symbol Challenge - Shipwreck and Debris

    Yep. I don't know if I'll succeed with what I would like to do but I'll end up with something to enter in the competition either way. It's been a few years since I've worked with photoshop. I may end up doing this in CC3+. I'm taking this in baby steps. ?

  • Shessar's CC3(+) Art Assets

    I noticed that someone has been trying to access these files. Sorry, I had updated the security on these and didn't realize that it would affect the links. All should be working again. Let me know if you have any other problems with this.

    Happy mapping.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Sue, the vertical striping that you see over the rafters is because the wood of the rafters acts like an insulator from interior heat so the snow melts slower there.

    I just want to add that I love what you are doing with this. We really needed a winter city set. Happy, happy!

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - The Staggering Moose - Interior

    Apology accepted Quenten. But if we have gotten to the point of counting the number of steps in a symbol, maybe we've lost track of the point? I mean. if I had used a symbol that had an arrow on it, would you have assumed that the stairs had arrows painted on them? It's a fantasy map, not a gosh darn photo-realistic blueprint.

    Call me sensitive if you will, but it's gotten too detailed for my style. Tell me I got a symbol on the wrong sheet and I'm good. Tell me my text is hard to read and I'll fix it. Tell me my map isn't blueprint accurate or doesn't look how you think it should look and I'll walk away.

    No hard feelings but I really can't do this right now. Happy mapping everyone.

  • September Annual: City Cliffs

    I was hoping these would come this month. I NEED them for my Shessaria map. Yay Sue!

  • Community Atlas: Towards a Solar System for Nibirum

    Wyvern. This is ...I am...

  • Dtillan Orsti area map

    I've never known quite how to use some of the symbols that come with CC like the fruit and haystacks and horses heads. Thanks for enlightening me JimP!

    Cool map. Love the clouds!
  • [WIP] August Competition - Pappy's Pub

    It's what our almost 2yr old grandson will call my husband once he can say it. He can only say "Pap" right now. Or who knows, it might always just be Pap. Yep, named the Pub after a great Pappy. 🙂

  • SS6 - Northern Scar: Village of Orin

    Here's the .fcw for inclusion in the Atlas.
