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  • [WIP] August Competition - Temple of [Insert Deity Here]

    This is looking excellent. My only suggestion would be to move the rug to the SYMBOLS FLAT Sheet. Right now it looks like it is floating off the floor. The Symbols Flat sheet has no shadow effect so that the object looks like it is sitting flat on the floor rather than having some height to it..

  • [WIP] August Competition - Pappy's Pub

    Oh no! We've identified the source of the Great Vertshusen Fire of (insert game year)! Guess old Pappy wasn't thinking when he left his sacks of flour next to the wood fired stove. Before you knew it half the city was in ash!

    People do stupid people things. I think I'll leave it for a touch of realism. 😉

    [Deleted User]JimP
  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Town of Shessaria

    Thank you! Glad you like the completed bits. :D

    For future reference, when I put WIP in the thread title, it means that it is a Work In Progress. I do this for a couple of reasons. When it is a complex map it gives the opportunity to get input as the map progresses and before it gets too far along for easy changes. It also lets new users see the steps taken to create a map and to ask questions along the way. I almost always do a WIP thread if I'm posting a map here on the forums. I'm a slow mapper and really only finish a couple of maps a year for the community since I'm also making maps for my game world at the same time. Posting a WIP lets me participate in the forums rather than just showing up two or three times a year to add a map. :)
    Autumn GettyLoopysue
  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    The snow still lying in the dormer valleys and clinging to individual tiles...perfection!

    Having a mixture of both styles would be great so long as you have time to do them both.

  • [WIP] Competition - Vertshusen City - Bowman's General Store

    The first floor looks awesome!

    However, the stones for the steps at the entrance seem huge, like one of the larger ones is @2 meters. A person's foot could slip between the cracks, especially a child's. This is a situation where scaling a symbol up doesn't work for the actual map scale.

    [Deleted User]
  • Castle Crimson and Reveler's Way

    What a lovely map! Really like the southern cliffs around the castle.
    Daniel Pereda De Pablo
  • Too early for a CC4 wishlist thread, or is it timely?

    Really, the selection method is a personal choice. If you prefer the select, select, action method then you can of course change it in Tools>Options: Selection Method. It's why the debate here isn't the thing (unless of course they plan to take out settings that are already part of the base software). I personally just don't want to loose the action then selection method. ?

    [Deleted User]OverCriticalHit
  • May Symbol Challenge

    @pkfrye I'm really sorry but I have to back out of this competition. A recent OS update hosed my system. I tried to roll back and my problems grew. I tried online image repair tool and my problems continued to grow. The harder I tried to fix things the worse they became until startup was taking over 20 minutes and my dis and cpu were running 100% continuously. Sigh. So I made sure my backups were up to date and then wiped it all down to the ground. I'm up and running again. I now have the horrific task of reloading everything. Sometimes I hate computers.

    Oh dear, I have to download and install everything from PF. I wish there was an easier way to install CC and it's zillion add-ons. I dread this so much that it's going to be a while before I do it.

  • 1000th Map Competition: Ober, Southern Scar

    Yes, perhaps the problem is that I quite often base my maps on my local area. For example, this is a google view of my best friend's farm. Not much separating the fields really. They are based more on the flat vs. hilly terrain. I'll play with the idea of hedgerows again, but I'm not certain. :)

  • What is Steampunk...