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  • WIP Novaregna

    I always love seeing maps from this style and this one is lovely. My only recommendation might be to add some shading to the ocean.

  • Running from USB External Device

    Thanks Sue! I've been quite busy babysitting a little dragon. Now that there's a new hatchling on the way I felt that I'd better figure out how to balance my personal interests with those of my little grand dragons. Time to teach the little one that my computer is not his toy. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome

    I would like to do the interiors of the Staggering Moose Inn and Tavern from this map in Stormwatch located in the Emerald Crown Forrest on Alarius. I will start with Number 1 and do the others as time allows.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeRicko Hasche
  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Hi Sue! Not sure if this will help... We just had 12 inches of snow 4 days ago. Here are a couple of pictures of melted roofs looking out of my kitchen window. There are no tile roofs in these but I can tell you that the snow melt is the same on tile. You can which have insulation and those that don't.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    My only suggestion (which you are free to ignore because it is rather nit picking) is that the capstone of the chimney would be much too warm to be fully covered with snow. But honestly, I think that it looks amazing. ๐Ÿ˜

  • Recommendation for SS6

    This is not a bug per say, but a highly recommended change: Have the Roof Frills go on their own Sheet so that when you sort the symbols, they don't all end up under the buildings.

  • Turn off shading?

    I'm still experimenting so both of your ideas will be tried. I've just added an HSL effect in addition to the global sun and transparency change and ended up with brown cliffs but had to cover the top portion of the symbols because of oddities in the color there. I'm having fun experimenting if nothing else. LOL.

    I missed Ralf's session this week but intend to watch it tonight. I learn so much from his tutorials so expect to have some revelations on the RGB Matrix. It's an effect that I forget about most of the time.

  • Top down symbols for overland maps.

    Just popping my head in to say that I agree with you Quenten!

    The disparity between flat terrain/rivers and front view mountains and hills often looks out of sync to me; like I'm seeing the map from 2 different perspectives (because I am). My solution has been using terrain fills to denote biomes and lighted bevels to denote mountains and hills.

    These are the best examples I have using ProFantasy fills. Having top down symbols instead would be a great addition. I'm wondering how they could be done.

    [Deleted User]AleD
  • My first overworld map! :)

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing a beautiful and well thought out map!

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Town of Shessaria

    Thank you! Glad you like the completed bits. :D

    For future reference, when I put WIP in the thread title, it means that it is a Work In Progress. I do this for a couple of reasons. When it is a complex map it gives the opportunity to get input as the map progresses and before it gets too far along for easy changes. It also lets new users see the steps taken to create a map and to ask questions along the way. I almost always do a WIP thread if I'm posting a map here on the forums. I'm a slow mapper and really only finish a couple of maps a year for the community since I'm also making maps for my game world at the same time. Posting a WIP lets me participate in the forums rather than just showing up two or three times a year to add a map. :)
    Autumn GettyLoopysue