



Last Active
February 7, 1977
merlo san luis argentina

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  • Big Blue City

    single fill but i put more stronger glow (inner) with some more blue effect. clouds come with shadows and after process color on lightroom

  • Ukbur Valley

    @Calibre For many years I was (sometimes still) a landscape photographer, perhaps this study of nature's composition helped in the idealization of map designs. Basic composition rules always help, especially the rule of thirds.

  • Ukbur Valley

    Hey @Calibre After entering the rule of three, another resource that must be studied and understood is the leading lines. It adds a lot to the composition and works closely with the rule of thirds.

    Mastering the leading lines in your composition adds a lot of "dramatic" appeal to the scene. Whether in video, photography or even map composition. In the example above it refers to the yellow lines.

    This article is interesting as a first step.



  • De Rust + Alyssa Faden clouds

    @Royal Scribe HAh! Now I think I understand why they are different (mayne in shape?). Most of the images are on the same Symbols Sheet (mountains and clouds), since I was drawing mountains and icons one on top of the other.

    Some mountains are covering clouds, and then being covered by other clouds on the same Sheet... and then more mountains. I'm attaching the file so you can see all this confusion better lol

    P.S.: Forgot, The lighthouse light is Two images of Will O'wisp of Sue, varicolored in yellow tone. One behind more open and diffuse, and another the same image reduced and centered with the first.

    Royal ScribeJuanpi
  • Looking for an isometric stable symbol.. is there one?

    Maybe you can use thatch building + wood and gate fence from Isometric City Schley + Horses from Mike Schley Overland style.

    Make a Terrain SHEET to the stable where you put more MUD/Earth Terrain style to give the "dirty look" on floor.

  • Battlemap collection for personal use

    The only image outside of CC3 is the image of the "nest", which was acquired from Mike Schley that sells on his website.

  • New Mike Schley Glaciars Content

    @Royal Scribe for the glow behind the volcano I created two sheets for use with planet symbols and used two planet images one in each sheet (to emit a round glow).

    A planet with an orange outter glow with more blur and Another planet with the red outter glow with less blur (smaller radius sphere). The only mike schley isometric symbols are the market stalls, the statue and the rowboats near the bridge, all others are from overland.

    Maybe this little tut is some help for you. (ive made others using mike schley also)



    Royal ScribeJimP
  • Sheet Effects stop working consistently

    @Lee Talman you can create as many sheet terrain/land features or even sea as you want. I frequently use this feature to be able to superimpose effects. In this image you can see 3 new sheets: 2 of land effects (the ice is on top of the tundra, and the SEA LAKE to produce the lakes on the map using the "water" of the sea.

    You can also calibrate the inner opacity (I usually use between 40 to 80%) so as not to have a "too harsh" effect, sometimes even with low opacity the effects can mix, sometimes causing a desired effect - there is no reference rule for me, I adjust as I go.

    Once your new sheets are created, and when you select the new terrain/land features effect... sometimes the program "sends" you to the original sheet, so you need to check and sometimes change to the desired sheet. However, even doing this, sometimes it happens to me that the program insists and places "base" terrain/land features on the sheet.

    So what you need to do is go to the "change features" button, select the effect and click ok, then you choose which sheet you want to send it to. Normally this selection is easier when "activate sheet effects" is turned off, because the edge is easy to select, when edge fade inner is activated, it is usually difficult for me to select the TERRAin sheet I want.


    Royal ScribeJimP
  • Spider Attack!

    Hy @Loopysue thanks!

    Using Adobe Lightroom, above and below I used graduated filter to darken by lowering the exposure.

    in the middle - the mill and in some houses I used the radial filter to increase the exposure and "draw attention" to the buildings.

    in the end, I increased the shadows in the corners using circular vignette.

    Royal ScribeLoopysue
  • Hex map

    Making Hex maps with "separate" themes: deserts, forests, mountains, etc. I got the idea of ​​using these small maps to produce a whole map, divided into "zones", and making them one by one. I asked my brother to make shapes where the large Hexes connect to each other.

    I dont know if make 19 Hexes like in the drawings above (example pattern below), or make them in packs of 7 Hexes for reasons of better fit.

    What do you think about which image/pattern to work with? I still have no idea whether to use the white space in the center as an ocean and islands, or some kind of limbo and clouds.

    Thank you very much.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueMapjunkie