
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Gold Coast, Doriant

    Remy said two things about the 1000th map contest that I have taken to heart:

    1. We can submit more than one map, but will only be able to win one prize; and
    2. We can make our own local map anywhere in the world to create a place for a village we want to design (but only the village map is eligible for the contest).

    With that in mind, I have been working on this Gold Coast map as well as an area map for the Kingdom of Enia, an elvish kingdom on the northern side of the coast. I have two villages in Enia that I will submit. If this works best for you, @Monsen, I will create a thread for all of the non-contest Atlas submissions once they're finalized, and then the actual villages for the competition will be posted in the competition thread when they're ready to submit.

    Gold Coast

    Here is the Gold Coast region, first without and then with political borders (which can be toggled). I am writing up the description now.

    Without Political Borders

    With Political Borders


    And then here's a map of the Kingdom of Enia, with more smaller hamlets and other small details added, this time in the Mike Schley style:

    MonsenQuentenLoopysueRicko HascheGlitchWyvern
  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    Here's a bit more. More to come, especially fleshing out the empty spots within the village walls. Plus labeling, of course.

    QuentenLoopysueLoreleiMonsenRicko HascheAleD
  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    I decided I didn't want to redo the entire tower, so I did some stairs ascending around it from the courtyard as a proof of concept. I do like the idea of stairs winding around a tower. Wonder if I can make it go around multiple times? I have some thoughts on how to do that, but I will save them for another map.

    In the meantime, here's how it turned out:

    (It's subtle, but beneath the railing there are railing posts, which you can't really see but they cast a subtle shadow.)

    Anyway, I'm rushing out the door, but I will make any tweaks when I return and then re-export the maps that show the tower.

  • [WIP] Inside the Temple of Fah

    Basement 1

    This level contains catacombs with 64 crypts for wealthy individuals who were not entombed with their pharaohs. There are 16 vacant spots.

    This level also contains two chambers with the temple’s treasures, which connect to a circular chamber inscribed with eight hieroglyphics. The original purpose of this chamber has been forgotten. (The truth is, this was towards the end of my designing and I realized I hadn't used the hieroglyphs yet, so here are some.)

    A secret passage leads to a chamber with a teleportation portal. Another circular chamber has both of its doors destroyed. The chamber beyond has a 15x15 pit. The heat, stench, and red glow suggest that it drops into a bed of lava.

    A locked door provides access to a set of stairs that descend 30 feet to Basement 2.

    Basement 2

    The 30-foot descent brings us to an octagonal chamber that appears to be used for secret religious rites, perhaps by priests who are part of a forbidden sect? This connects to a large meeting room. A secret door provides access to two more chambers.

    A secret door on the northeast wall of the octagonal chamber provides access to a wide passageway that descends 30 more feet down a series of staircases to a narrow chamber. There on the west wall, more stairs descend another 10 feet into caverns carved into the bedrock.

    Here the pit from Basement 1 does indeed drop into a bed of magma, encircled by a platform of cooled lava rock. A raised bridge provides access to a platform with glowing runes inscribed in a circle.

    I’m really pleased with how the lava turned out here. I used two different fills that I think came from Monsen’s Mines. The darker one is on a sheet above the lighter one, and then I used the color key effect to allow brighter parts of the magma show through in spots.

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Rhaghiant (western Doriant)

    That makes sense about making sure the major things are captured on the map, while being able to add smaller ones on the local area maps. And naming the features as well. I will have to come up with some names that aren't subconsciously lifting from literature. (Can't tell you how many times over the years I've thought, "Oh, Imladris is a good name for my elven kingdom -- no, wait!") I keep a running list on my phone of potential NPC character names. Some of those names may be suitable for place names instead (especially since so many place names are named after people.)

    Here's the map as it stands with more hills in the "midwest" area, more rivers and settlements, roads and a few major bridges. (My thought is that except if I name where a road crossing a river something like "Blah Blah Blah Ford," there's a bridge there, but I added a few bridges that are meant to be unusually grand ones.)

    Let me know if you spot anything weird or geographically improbable, or if there's anything missing. I also need to double check the Atlas maps to the north of the area I claimed to make sure there aren't features like hills or rivers that extend past the southern edges of those maps.

  • [WIP] 1972 Travelogue (CA93 Modern Journeys)

    And here are some zoomed-in closeups:

    QuentenLoopysueC.C. CharronRaiko
  • [WIP] Atlas Contest: Village of Djayet (Gold Coast, west coast of Doriant)

    After my village of Per-Nezahd grew too large and is rightfully now a town, I went back to the drawing board and created a new village in the same Desert Oasis style. This one is significantly smaller.

    [Note: this is in an area of the Atlas that has not yet been developed. I have parent maps almost ready to submit, and will start a thread later this weekend to submit them. Just finishing up the descriptions for them.]

    There are 22 buildings that are either fully residential or mixed-use business/residential. I assumed an average population of 5.2 residents per residence, giving me a population of 114. Does that sound about right? I also spread things out a little more than you would in a walled city or town, but maybe I should spread things out even more?

    I used varicolor bushes of different sizes to create crops. I don't know much about desert oases form, but I thought maybe a hill would be needed. I added a darker terrain below the hill to distinguish it from the smaller patches of hills scattered around, which were meant to be sand dunes.

    I was going to use a ziggurat from SS5 as the temple, but the temple symbols in this annual were too irresistible to pass over. In the end, the only symbols I used outside of this annual were two broken columns in the ruins from CA49. For a village like this, it didn't seem necessary to label much in the village itself, just the temple and the taverna. I don't think a village of this size could support too much specialization, though there are market stalls available for the use of trade caravans that pass through. I also figured that this village was too small to afford to construct a wall (though maybe I should add a tower or two?).

    In the lower right on a bit of an outcrop, I set some ruins of an ancient temple and city. Near the road that reaches the ruins, I placed a cart and scattered boxes and barrels to suggest that maybe an archeological dig is underway? Adventure hooks: maybe the archeologists have disturbed an ancient malevolence that should have remained untouched? Or maybe, Indiana Jones-style, the adventurers need to race to find an ancient artifact before the opposition finds it.

    For the title, I used the default font for this annual, but it was too hard to read for other place names, so I used Papyrus for those labels. Is it okay to use a different font for the title? Should I switch the title to Papyrus? I didn't use the scale bar, as pretty as it is, because it says "miles" on it and this map is only 500 x 400 feet. (Although...if I ungroup it, maybe I can delete the "miles" text? I will have to try that.)

    Any advice or feedback?

    Ricko HascheMonsenC.C. CharronLoopysueLoreleiCalibre
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Finally had a chance today to add some names and some trees.

  • Community Atlas submissions: the Gold Coast (Doriant) and areas within it

    I am going to use this thread to officially submit my maps for the Gold Coast region of Doriant. I will have separate Work-in-Progress threads for feedback on maps as I am working on them, and then will use this thread for the official submissions so they are easy for Remy to find. I know Remy isn't processing new submissions until the contest ends, but this will queue up my future submissions for later this fall or winter, and it also provides a home for some of the villages I want to submit for the contest.

    The first submission is ready! It's a 1000 x 1000 mile section on the western side of Doriant.

    Here's a markup of the parent map to put it in context (the blue border represents the area I'm calling the Gold Coast.

    And here is the Gold Coast with all labels but without political borders shown:

    Here is the FCW file, along with a PDF description and a plain text description. (I stripped out accents and special characters in the plain text file.)

    Primary Style: Annual Spectrum Overland

    Toggles: "Borders (Political)" sheet to turn display or hide the political borders within the region.

    @Monsen, please let me know if I've messed up and need to fix anything, or if you'd prefer submissions to be handled in any other way. I have lots of other local area maps within this region that will be ready to submit soon.

    LoopysueC.C. CharronRicko HascheMaidhc O CasainFarsightX3
  • [WIP] Greco-Roman Inspired Temple

    I was worried that my temple wasn't looking as cohesive because I was drawing fills and symbols from so many places that didn't quite mesh. In particular, I wasn't happy with how the trees looked. (I also added a gazebo at the top and a botanical garden at the bottom.)

    In the end, I decided to try the grass fills and trees from Forest Trail. Here they are without contour patches of other grass shades, at 50 and 100 scale.

    And then I tried adding patches of grass of the same fill style, but with a shade higher and lower. I really don't have an eye for this sort of thing. Should I have bigger patches? More numerous small ones. Should they blend in more?

    For the botanical garden, I couldn't find flowers among my symbols except for potted plants. It was supposed to be simple so as to not distract from the temple, but I got carried away.

    • I made rose bushes by taking bushes from one style and then placing small varicolored bushes from another style on top as roses.
    • I made flowers by using weeds from Forest Trail as the stems and then adding varicolored shrubs from another style as the flowers.
    • I added a fungi garden using varicolored mushrooms of different sizes (plus a few varicolored fairy ring mushrooms from Forest Trail)
    • I was going to use the anemones from Marine Dungeons as a plant, and then thought...why not use them as anemones? So I made a man-made pond for them, plus coral and a few other marine symbols.
    • And I added a carnivorous plant. The only one I could find was from the Mike Schley Overland, which is in a very different style. If anyone has recommendations for other carnivorous plants, please let me know.
