



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

Latest Images

  • Community Atlas - Irisian City States - Tiresia City State

    I have decided to map all the islands in the irisian City map style while I am waiting to get my new computer back from the repairers under warranty. Since I have to send it to the manufacturers - overseas - it will only take 6 weeks - outrageous!!

    Anyway, here is the first - the biggest of the remaining islands, Tiresia City State, which has hegemony over the whole island. It is mainly agricultural and fishing, and is the least wealthy of the City States. It is also the closest to the hostile Kingdom of Helmonte.

    I am using the same style as I did for Helmonte - Herwin Wielink, not my favourite style by a long shot.

    This is the beginning of the map - interesting features to be added later.

    Royal ScribeBwenGunLoopysueRickoRalfMonsenJuanpiGlitch
  • Ancient Realms revised - a test map with new icons

    I have decided to revisit this style myself - it is a favourite of mine, especially with the use of icons. I was delighted that Ralf showed how to make new icons, so I have been making some for myself.

    I have decided that even the major settlements will be represented by icons rather than usual symbols - just for fun.

    Here is the beginning.

    I am happy to share the icons if anyone wants them - all from free images on the internet.

    Here are the 4 I have done so far:

    LoopysueCalibreRoyal ScribeScottARickoMapjunkie
  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    I used campaign mapper just before it became cc. But my first maps were so terrible, and I haven't kept them except this one for the land of Al'ayn (which I have since upgraded to 13th Age). I think I made this in CC in the 1990's

    Royal ScribeDon Anderson Jr.roflo1ShessarTheIneffableCheese
  • Community Atlas - Stromphe City - Captains Dock District

    I am on my way to completing and submitting yet another district to the Stromphe City map. all the buildings are in, now just for the non-building features.

    Royal ScribeRickoroflo1jmabbottRalfShessarJuanpi
  • Ukadarlia

    The Davaraz - the 'dwarves' of Ukadarlia. They are albino with green cat's eyes and night vison. They are also radio-resistant, and love using uranium and cobalt in their metal work! They predate human arrival on Dashamargo by about 15,000 years at least, and are from another planet, not earth. And so cannot interbreed with human stock - hence no half-dwarves or half-davaraz.

  • Schley Symbols - MUST HAVE!!

    Just saw this map by Mike Schley on his FB page. I have marked with a red cross the overland building symbols not present in the ProFantasy suite of Schley symbols, which I absolutely love. Can I persuade Ralf to persuade Mike to make them available for proFantasy? <On knees , begging>

    ScottAMapjunkieMonsenDon Anderson Jr.RickoBwenGundragarhirSteven Nentwig (Steven!)C.C. Charron
  • My version of Lankhmar

    These are the geomorphs I have used so far

    And progress overall:

    And these are all the geomorphs I have - they do include all the ones for which there are FCW's, but I find it easier to trace over bitmaps.

    LoopysueCalibreRoyal ScribeJuanpiRyan Thomas
  • Community Atlas - A huge metropolis somewhere

    Here is progress on the Palace area. Next will be the other area.

    I = Inns and Taverns

    T = Temples and Shrines

    1 = Palace

    2 = Triumphal arch

    3 = City Hall

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeLoreleiGlitchroflo1Juanpi
  • Ukadarlia

    Here is the continent of Ukadarlia, stretching for subarctic to tropical zones. Also, for comparison, the size of Australia, and Ukraine.




    And with Australia overlaid so you get an idea of the size:

  • Ukadarlia

    Finally, the main focus of the project:

    The country of Zelenahavan (means Verdant Haven, or Greenharbour).

    Two major ethnic groups: the Vynlings and the Kratirim, with all the tensions that this will imply.

    More detail on this will come of course.
