



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

Latest Images

  • Hardin Region (Myirandios) - Isle of Kalihirin, and Isle of adventure for low level characters.

    Here is a setting for a series of low level adventures to get a beginner D&D party on its way to fame and glory ... or grisly death.

    Kalihirin Island (nowhere near complete, of course). Of course, adventure sites etc are yet to be added.

    Detkhiv, the main settlement with a population of over 600.

    I have made use of the draft version of the Watabou revised city annual to come later this year.

    RickoRoyal ScribeLoopysueJuanpi
  • Hardin Region (Myirandios) - Isle of Kalihirin, and Isle of adventure for low level characters.

    Update on the village.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeRalfJuanpi
  • [WIP] Tatilana, a new world

    Well, no matter what I do, including correcting the error on the add elevation file from Wilbur to FT3, and having another 3 goes at getting a mdr, it still won't work. Once, I got it to work - but it was not 8000 x 4000, but a bit more square, with a blue border around it. See print screen below. HELP!! @jslayton Is there some way I can get this map to the right horizontal dimensions?

    So I will stick with what I have. I have used the multiple map option, and this is what I have at present on the smallest iteration. I am quite happy with this. All I have done is add EXTRA rivers, settlements, contours and names. Biomes will also be checked later.

    The text is also a useful check to see if you need corrective spectacles. 😁

  • WIP: Bleakmoor Harrow - Continent of Estonisch

    Oh, what a dill I was. I didn't realise you were being ironic. It is so sad - and stupid - what we are doing to the major forests of the world. And in a way, what you have done is good- it highlights what we have done to kill off this world.

  • Tatilana - Western Sergeevna

    And the last pair of ethnic groups in this region, the Wallaroo. First, the man - muscular and short, as are the women

  • Myirandios - Hardin Region - Athlordon Archipelago

    Here is my latest addition to the region of Hardin, my personal project. I am hoping to complete all the land regional maps in the next 6 weeks!

    You may recognize Spirova Island as Spiros Island of Atlas origin. I have taken this to include in the map, and turned it into a three Island 'nation' led by a rather tyrannical theocracy. (any resemblance to a future nation on earth is totally coincidental - honest).

    Next map is a more 'Ukrainian' based culture or the Cossack times.

    A zoomable version is in the Gallery.

    Image Gallery: Hardin — ProFantasy Community Forum

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeRicko
  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - The Bleakness - Dungeon of the Dragon

    Or else, resize the scale bar AFTER you resize everything. And I use Remy's SCALEDRAWING command (not official CC3+ command, unfortunately - it has always worked brilliantly for me, and takes care of bitmap scaling as well.

    Here is the bit he wrote about it in his dissertation on scaling. (SCALE MATTERS, May 2018)

    The Automatic Option

    Because rescaling a map is actually a lot of steps, especially if you need effects and fill rescaling too, I’ve created a CC3+-addon to do all of this automatically, you only need to determine the scale factor.

    To use it, download the file from this address, and put the .dll file from the .zip inside your CC3+ installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus by default).

    You’ll also need to have the Visual C++ 2017 runtime installed on your computer. You may already have this, but if you don’t, you’ll get an error message when starting CC3+ with this .dll in it’s directory. Download from the official Microsoft download site, you’ll need the 32-bit version (vc_redist.x86.exe)

    After installing the .dll and the Visual C++ runtimes (if required), you can run the command by typing SCALEDRAWING on your command line. The command line will then ask for the scale factor, which you can provide either as the number, or the calculation as with the non-visual scale command. Once you hit enter after providing the scale factor, the command will take care of the rest. Note that it doesn’t update the display when done, so simply hit the Zoom Extents button after running the command. The map should look visually identical to what it did before, as this command handles the scaling of entities, effects and fills automatically, only way to see that the command did anything is to measure distances again after running this command (and AFTER hitting Zoom Extents). Because it doesn’t do any screen updates, it should also be lightning fast, but remember, you won’t see the result until you hit Zoom Extents. If you hit Redraw instead, you can easier see the result of the scale operation, because this leave your current zoom intact.

    Profantasy's Map-Making Journal » Blog Archive » Scale Matters

  • Planet of those Apes

    Most home sapiens can't even spell corictly

    Royal ScribeDon Anderson Jr.roflo1
  • Ukadarlia


    1.     Black – Swabentu - speak Swaheirian [Swahili]

    2.     Brown – Dingadau - speak Dingadoo [Maori]

    3.     Olive – Norvia - speak Norvian [Italian]

    4.     White –

    a.      Vynlings – speak Vinelandik [Icelandic]

    b.     Kratirim – speak Ukratina [Ukrainian]

    c. Qesuik – speak Iluisq [Mongolian]

    5.     Aeifa (Elves) - tan skin  - pseudo Irish

    6.     Davarin (Dwarves) - albino – pseudo Georgia

    7.     Grim (Orc) grey skin – pseudo Hungarian

    8.     Drakonis (Reptilian) - iridiscent colours as seen in beetles – pseudo Persian

  • Ukadarlia

    I may have made their heads a bit big for the bodies - i had to scale them different X and Y axis to get a more rounded face, rather than oval as is standard CA

    All fixed to my satisfaction - except the scale of the man is a bit smaller than the woman - not so on the maps which will feature them, however.
