



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

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  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    My competition entrant now finished.

    REVISED 7th September. Added a small black dog in the central square and his name as the beach to the right. It is of course, my beloved Schipperke dog, Ahab. Plus a few minor changes. Larger version in the Gallery

    Image Gallery: Hardin — ProFantasy Community Forum

    Royal ScribeMonsenLoopysueRicko HascheGlitchShessarWeathermanSweden
  • Hardin region of Myirandios

    Further work done on this map - added some extra islands - the ones I have been doing for the Community Atlas. renaming not yet done, but the symbols all reorganized. I had to scale them up since the atlas maps were in miles, and the Hardin map is in Km, and I wanted to keep the islands the same size. It also means I will keep the write-up of the islands.

    A larger version will be in the Gallery.

    LoopysueMapjunkieRoyal ScribeRicko HascheJuanpiAleDGlitch
  • City-State of Badirov - Modern Journeys style

    Here is the beginning of my version of the City State of Badirov, the region which contains the core adventure area for my upcoming gazetteer on the Region of Hardin.

    I am going to try to use photos that are freely available on the net (no copyright) or my own photos, and use these as vignettes, using the method shown by Ralf.

    Very much a beginning.

    Royal ScribeMonsenLoopysueRicko HascheRaikoCalibreGlitchMapjunkie
  • Watabou City REVISED (annual 157)

    I have revised the explanatory notes for the coming annual, and am using this town as the example. this is the completed map - well, it will be unless I get comments that I need to take note of.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsenMapjunkieroflo1LoreleiCalibre
  • Community Atlas - Irisian City States - Giant Circle Island

    Brilliant. I actually used a modified vector symbol in the end, but this method will be useful in future times - I am saving the methodology. Thanks so much Sue.

    Here is the final map. Comments required before submitting to the Atlas. Especially Ralf, Remy and Wyvern.

    LoopysueDaltonSpenceRicko HascheMaidhc O CasainGlitchMapjunkieJuanpi
  • Community Atlas City of Tartateos - Shipyards District

    This is also aimed at the community Atlas in the City State of Irisia on Artemisia.

    This is finished and is already in the Atlas. I used Watabou Medieval City Generator as the basis.

    Here is the nearly completed Shipyards District.

    GlitchRoyal ScribejmabbottShessarLoopysueJuanpiAleDRicko Hasche
  • Community Atlas - Alarius - North Central Region - Silver Spring - battlemap

    I am a novice at battlemaps, so lots of help please. I am continuing on using styles I would not use in my own world, to create maps for the atlas. this time it is the turn of the Winter Trail map.

    I had to install bitmaps from Ice Caverns as well as Winter village - I wonder why they were not included, especially as the example maps made use of them.

    I have quite a few things I am not satisfied with, the waterfall and stream being the main ones.

    But here is the beginning.

    And the corpse seems a bit large for a man - perhaps a giant?

    MapjunkieLoopysueGlitchRicko HascheEukalyptusNowMonsenLautiAleDRoyal Scribe
  • Ukadarlia

    Some background.

    The original sentient inhabitants of Tatilana were the Drakona and the Muru

    The Drakona are six-limbed creatures, with a pair of wings, and a tail. Their body is segmented into three distinct parts –

    a)     The head, which has almost 230o rotation, and contains the organs of taste, smell and sight and hearing, along with the brain.

    b)     A thorax which contains 2 lungs, and a heart and electric organ responsible for creating the energy for manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum, and another organ responsible for immune responses. The upper four limbs are attached to the thorax, and the digits have special nerve endings that enable the direct use of electromagnetic energy.

    c)     An abdomen, which contains

    a.      the alimentary canal

    b.     a purifying organ – combining functions of a kidney, liver and spleen.

    c.      various hormone producing organs,

    d.     the organ which produces the blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen.

    e.      the sexual organs which produce the gametes for reproduction, and the equivalent of a uterus for both sexes, which are both able to lay eggs.

    f.       a tail attached which has poison spurs on it. The toxins produced mainly causing neuro-paralysis.

    g.     The lower two limbs, which enable it to walk upright

    h.     A pair of wings, which are only useful for gliding. Their main function seems to be in sexual display. The female has fairly plain, usually shades of green, wings, while the male sports larger wings with various iridescent colours of blue, red, green and purple (rather like the colourful beetles of Earth).

    Their ‘skin’ is light weight chitinous material (similar to insects on earth), which is also very hard, and acts as an exoskeleton – they do not have bones. There is a patch of leathery skin on their front abdomen, and the joints between the head, thorax and abdomen allow for flexible movement.

    They live mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, as they are somewhat cold-blooded. Their blood is yellow, due to the pigment used to carry oxygen in their circulatory system. They are omnivorous, and love cooking complicated recipes.

    They reproduce by egg-laying, and have a two stage life cycle – they are a larval form, which then hardens, and from that emerge fully developed Drakona, which in turn lay eggs which hatch larva. About 1 in 10,000 develop into huge dragon-like creatures, with huge wings that enable proper flight. They are thankfully sterile, but are capable of inflicting great damage.

    They have a complex social system, and their language is both sibilant and harsh. They had developed to an early urban civilization by the time of the arrival of humans – see below.

    The Muru are a totally marine race, inhabiting the depths of the oceans, with one subspecies adapted for shallow waters. They have a preference for colder waters, but migrate to equatorial latitudes for breeding. They have streamlined bodies, and four limbs used for grasping, and two vestigial legs. They are covered by a thin chitinous exoskeleton and have gill-like structures and an ability to extract oxygen from water. They have a semi-urbanized civilization and herd other marine animals. They are totally carnivorous, and use their electromagnetic abilities to obtain and prepare food. Their body pattern follows that of the Drakona.

    From an evolutionary aspect, the Muru derived from marine genera, that also gave rise to land dwellers, and eventually the Drakona, in the same way fish gave rise to land dwelling animals on earth.

    Arrival of the Davaraz

    About 25,000 years ago, a colonizing spacefaring rave of Davaraz landed on Tatilana. They were an albino, radiation-resistant, race of small stature, adapted for underground dwelling. As a result, they did not compete with the Drakona or Muru, and instead hollowed out realms beneath the mountains, and had some perfunctory trade with the above land dwelling Drakona. How this underground race ever developed space travel is unknown, but may have had something to do with their fondness for working with such materials as uranium and thorium and cobalt – which evidently were in plentiful supply in their home world.

    The Davaraz are about 1.2 m tall, four limbed, hairless except for beards on the males and a long ropy strand of thick hair on the females. They are a very pale white, with skin similar to humans, eyes which are large, green irises, and very well adapted to night and underground vision. They tend to be blinded by any normal lighting, and get severely debilitating pain if encountering bright light. As mentioned above, they are very radio-resistant, with their cells being surrounded by cell walls that protect the genetic material within from being subject to radiation damage.

    Arrival of Humans

    About 15,000 years ago, a colony ship of humans with thousands of frozen embryos, crash-landed on Tatilana, on the Ukadarlia continent. They had already used some genetic midifying techniques on various humans, and this continued after they established their first base on Ukadarlia. They were aggressive against the native Drakona, and soon a long war raged between the two races.

    Towards the end of this 100 year conflict, the humans developed more modifications producing the strong war-like carnivorous and cannibalistic Grimir (orc-like), and the long-lived, somewhat self-repairing Aeifa, who could regrow limbs.

    The main modifications made involved all the human races – first, an ability to metabolize sulphur better, as this planet has a higher concentration of sulphur in its make up than earth, which affected all living things. So the modifications were applied also to animals and plants that the earthlings had brought with them, though few of these survived. Only potatoes, barley, sugarcane, and cacao plants flourished, along with a few other herb-like plants (at least there was chocolate, beer and rum); and of the animals, only camels and their relatives survived in numbers enough to flourish. Thes animals have subsequently been bred to fulfill many functions – beasts of burden, war animals, pets, dairy and meat providers, wool providers, etc. Many of these functions had already been apparent in the versatile camel, but were greatly improved and enhanced, resulting in camels as big as elephants, and as small as medium dogs.

    The second modification was to replicate the ability to use various wavelengths of the electromagentic spectrum in all humans. However, it seemed this ability was expressed mainly in females, as it was expressed on the X chromosome as a recessive suite of genes, requiring two X chromosomes to actually express the ability, although a few males did also have some albeit weak, ability in what came to be called etherics. This naturally led to a female-centric society, and eventually matriarchal systems of various types dominated the whole of the human races.

    At the final stroke, the humans decided to cool the climate enough to destroy enough of the Drakona sufficiently to enable the humans to take over their lands with ease. But the project went awry, and the result was a cataclysmic Ice age, which almost wiped out the Drakona, and severely depopulated the humans. Most of developed technology was lost, and a rapid decline of civilization began.

    After about 5000 years, the Ice Age retreated, and both humans and to a lesser extent, the Drakona, recovered and began to rebuild their civilizations. 

    JimPjmabbottRicko HascheGlitchEukalyptusNowLautiAutumn Getty
  • Ukadarlia

    I have started on a project which I hope will get published next year. It is set on the continent of Ukadarlia on the world of Dashamargo, with the initial focus being on the NE of the continent, and the nation of Kelenahavan in particular.

    These are the maps so far. In addition there will be geographical, historical, political and cultural notes, as well as notes on the various races, ethnicities, fauna and flora and unique 'monsters'. As well, I hope there will be at least 2o adventures, with a common thread to make a full campaign, as well as many other adventure hooks, and character profiles.

    Anyway, here is a map of the world, as created in FT3.

    MonsenRicko HascheJimPwhit2468roflo1GlitchLautiLoreleiEukalyptusNowEdE
  • Community Atlas - Irisian City States - Menina Island

    I have finished the write-up for this island, and it is ready to go to Monsen for inclusion in the Atlas, once the site of the Sea-Elf outpost is validated by @Royal Scribe .

    Sites of Interest

    The Navagio Reef , or Ship’s Graveyard, is aptly named. Overall, there are at least 7 major shipwrecks still visible on the reef.

    Menina: This small fishing village is the only populated area on the island. It numbers 526 hardy fisherfolk, whose only export is the delicious reef squid, called Jalomori. They subsist on the fruits of the sea = squid, fish, shellfish, and even the occasional seal who have a colony in the southern part of the surrounding reef. The island is rather isolated from the mainland, but there is a monthly service from Tartateos, which buys most of its exports.

    Jamila (abandoned): An abandoned fishing village. The real reason for its abandonment over 20 years ago is uncertain, but horror tales of denizens from the atoll lagoon dragging all the females to the depths is the most retold cause. Certainly it may explain why at the end, there were only 15 men still living in the village. And in fact, one old man remains, swearing revenge for the loss of his wife and 2 daughters.

    Kakosmagos Tower (ruins): a ruined edifice far predating any other settlement or structure on the island. Many myths about it abound – but the reality is that it is the lair of an amphibious frog-like monster family of five – who actually were the cause of the slaughter of the females from Jamila, which are the ideal medium for incubation of the eggs of the monsters. Luckily, only 25 ‘tadpoles’ have ever hatched, but in about a decade, when these slow developing and long lived horrors mature, the whole island is in terrible danger. The original purpose was the home of a family of three ‘marine biologists’ who dappled in hybridization of land and marine life forms – and the Froggies, as they are called, were born!!

    Thermopiges Hot Springs: A most unusual geologic feature are these 5 hot springs, carrying heated seawater from an underground magma vent to the surface with occasional scalding geysers. In these hot pools, a family of semi-intelligent fire salamanders thrive. Whether they are a danger to humans remains to be tested.

    Well of Life: This is yet another spring, but here the water is heavily laden with minerals which truly do have a healing power, though repeated drinking gives the skin a silvery hue.

    Arachni Woods: This creepy forest is the home of huge spiders with very long spindly legs, and a paralyzing poison. Luckily, they prefer fish to human flesh, though on several occasions over the last decades, human children have been captured, and one even eaten by the creatures before rescue could occur. They are very difficult to catch due to their high agility, and as they mostly leave humans alone, humans mainly leave them alone.

    Channel Light (ruins): an old abandoned lighthouse. As the fisherfolk know their way around very well, the lack of a light helps keep would-be pirates away. However, it has served a more sinister purpose over past decades – when lit, it promises safe passage for any approaching vessels, only for the light to be extinguished, then a false light being lit some time later, resulting in the wreck of the vessel and thus providing useful items for the fisherfolk. However, under more recent leadership at Memina, this wrecking behaviour has been stopped.

    Drowned Fishers’ Cairn: This cairn represents possibly the most important spiritual focus of the island. Every person lost at sea is represented by a rock with the name and ancestry of the drowned victim, place amid ceremony on a growing mound of such rocks. Many believe this prevents the drowned spirits form haunting the island and driving away the fish and jalomori. In recent years, belief has also arisen that they are now protective spirits and those who adhere to this belief adorn the cairn with shells every full moon.

    Mermaid Grotto: This reef, which is largely coral, with underwater grottos, is the home for sea-dwelling creatures – be they mermaids, undines, sea-elves, no one knows for sure, as they keep themselves hidden. They are fickle in nature – sometimes luring ships to a watery grave, hence the wrecks; sometime saving sailors from drowning. Overall, there are at least 7 major shipwrecks still visible on the reef.

    Sea-Elf Outpost: See the relevant map for further notes.

    jmabbottGlitchMonsenRoyal ScribeLoopysueRicko HascheJuanpiDon Anderson Jr.