



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

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  • Diagonal Square

    I recommend the last of Monsen's suggestions. ie draw normally, then rotate. I had the same issue a while back.

    Ricko Hascheroflo1
  • Community Atlas - Irisian City States - Tiresia City State

    The Map notes for the City State of Tiresia.

    Tiresia City State

    Tiresia is the smallest in power, both militarily, and economically, of the five Irisian City States. However, compared to the rest of Artemisia, it still ranks highly. The mainstay of the economy is agricultural, especially the olive oil industry, with a minor tin extraction industry. Most of the tin is exported to be refined elsewhere, with the State collecting both royalties, and a newly raised resources rent tac, to bolster the faltering economy of the City-State after a few years of devastating drought wrought havoc on the agricultural economy.

    The olive oil industry is by far the most lucrative for the City-State, with large government holdings in one of the main Olive Oil companies, called The Popeye Oil Consortium. The purity, and special flavour of the oil is prized throughout Artemisia and beyond. The special flavour is imparted by pollinating bees of a unique kind, and causes the subsequent oil to have a faint honey-flavoured scent.

    Tiresia is ruled by a Senate composed of 25 Senators, voted into office by all property holders with over 50,000 Drachmas in value ie only the wealthy families can vote. They then elect three Magisters, who hold office for three years, staggering the elections so that one is elected each year. This staggers the office holders so that the government is unusually stable, but also more likey to fall into corruption – which it has, leading as it does to a monopolization of power and wealth into the hands of a few families, a high level of corruption, (the highest of all the City-States), and a very unequal society.

    Subsequently, demands from the rest of the populace, who cannot vote in any election, and have had their needs ignored for far too long, have grown stronger, accompanied by greater and greater civil unrest. The capital of Tiresia is most affected, but the more violent acts of arson, theft, destruction of government and senators’ private property, and abductions occur in the countryside, which has suffered extensively because of the three year drought. Various groups are calling for abolition of the Senate, replacement with an Assembly of the People and universal suffrage, including both genders, and a government headed by a directly elected Tribune. Finally, they are calling for trials of all corrupt officials – the one thing that sends tremors down the backbone of most of the Senate and government, and stiffens their resolve not to give an inch to those calling for change.

    The increasingly radical and tense political situation has drawn the worried attention of the other City States, some of whom are wanting to send troops to quell the increasing unrest. However, Stromphe, the largest and most powerful of the City-States, has vetoed this and insists on non-interference. It is well-known that Stromphe, the least corrupt, and most democratic of the City-Sates, has contempt for the government of Tiresia, and would happily see it fall, and so extend their direct influence over the island. The other States, especially Otykos and Arete, have thus decided to keep their aid to an increasingly beleaguered government at the clandestine level, with moles in the radical groups, passing information to the Tiresian Magisters, and financial loans to the Senate to enable them to increase the ‘bread and circuses’ policy that they hope will have effect. Cake, rather than bread, is offered!

    Unknown to all is that the mysterious Purple Daffodil (a rare bloom found in western Tiresia), leader of the most influential, and violent, of the groups calling for reforms, is in fact Demetrios Kaluthenas, younger son of one of the Magisters, Gerolimeo Kaluthenas. He seems motivated by a genuine disgust of the corruption of the present system, as well as anger at his treatment as an unwanted child by his authoritarian father. He has already drawn up a list of those he wants executed for corruption – and strangely, includes leading figures of the other three reformist groups. His own group is now the largest and most influential, and calls itself the Directorate of the People. His identity is known only by his closest friend, Brutos Skipianas, who is even more in favour of violent revolution than his leader. Not even Demetrios’ wife and children know of his true identity, and he plays the role of an incompetent fop and socialite very well. After every atrocity committed by the groups, and every murder or abduction, a purple daffodil is left as a sinister calling card.

    The cycle of increasing violence and harsh counter-measures has the whole City-State ready to explode in violent revolution – and perhaps get beyond the control of even the manipulative Demetrios.

    The religion of Tiresia, like that of all south and western Artemisia, is that of worship of the Olympian Gods, but especially Athea, Poseidon and Demeter. The clergy are calling for peaceful negotiations between the people and the Senate, but increasingly, their pleas are falling on deaf ears, and many of the would-be revolutionaries are casting the priests as fellow-travellers of the privileged classes.

    The stage is set for events which may become world-shattering!

    GlitchDon Anderson Jr.Ricko Hasche
  • Community Atlas - Alarius - Hermit Island

    An update - only text to go, I think. Hope there are plenty of interesting places to explore, but I won't be doing map notes.

    Royal ScribeDaltonSpenceRicko Hasche
  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    It is vital, and totally illegal otherwise, that ALL fantasy D&D buildings must comply with the correct USA stair regulations, otherwise they will be fireballed!

    Royal ScribeMapjunkieLoopysueGlitch
  • Ukadarlia

    I am actually making them more on a insect template - this is a leather skinned, egg laying, reptilian creature, but with three parts to their body - head, thorax (with lungs) and abdomen (with tail) and six limbs and many of this group also have wings - certainly the sentient species does. A different evolutionary biology to reptiles and insects on earth, but combining features of both. They are actually the original land dwelling sentient species on this planet - the humans, elves and orcs derive from human species on Earth, stranded millennia ago on this planet, and evolving in different ways (helped by genetic modification in the very early years of human settlement - technology now lost to time). Dwarves, with radio-resistance, albino features, thin bodies and cat-like night vision, are derived from yet another planet, having settled the underground regions long before human arrival about 20,000 years ago.

    So, not your standard Lizardman-dragon, or dwarf.

    LoopysueRicko HascheGlitch
  • Ukadarlia

    The Aeifa - 'elves' of Ukadarlia. These really are just a human variant, though more so than the other human ethnic groups. They have purple eyes, and can see into the UV range; they nearly always have red hair; and are very tall and very thin. They have extended life spans up to 300 years, due to biochemical changes that slow aging.

  • Community Atlas - A huge metropolis somewhere

    Here is the first update on a more ordinary part of the city. I used the house tool almost exclusively, to keep as much to the Watabou layout as possible. The only special building is the Temple in the lower left hand corner.

    I will next concentrate on all the street furniture and background - dirt, grass, mud etc.

    Finally, I will do the text, labels, and also use the city commands to assign buildings to various function types.

    So far, no slowing of speed in redrawing. with all effects on.

    Royal ScribeJuanpi
  • Myirandios - Hardin region - Forindon and Kurmdiz

    This is the next map for my personal project - it is diectly east of Skalamark, and are two Slavic nations - Kurmdiz, a Cossack hetmanate; and Forindon, a Kyivan Rus kingdom, wuth the eastern part of Skalamark in the top west corner, and the western part of Nilterurn, a Danish type kingdom, but with Ukrainian names.

    Obviously just beginning - the mountains and hills are all done though, as are the political borders.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsenRicko Hasche
  • Community Atlas - Stromphe City - Captains Dock District

    Finished at last. Here is the FCW for @Monsen if he wishes to add it to the atlas before the competition begins.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueGlitchRicko Hasche
  • Watabou City REVISED (annual 157)

    The next step is to convert the SVG into a DXF. I use the tool mentioned in Annual 157:

    Cloud Convert: SVG to DXF | CloudConvert

    Open a map in the Style Cities >Annual Watabou City Revised. (When it comes out). For cities, I estimate the size using the scale that comes with the generated map as a guide. The scale in the generator is in Metres, so multiply by 3 to get feet (a rough estimate is all that is needed).

    The example map is about 1000 m wide, or about 3000 feet. Against my long held principles, I will do the example in Imperial measurements, to cater for all you imperialist lackeys!! 🤣 So the map will be 3000 wide x 4000 tall.

    Make sure the Layer is set to 0, and the Sheet to IMPORT.

    Use Draw Menu, Insert File, to insert the DXF at origin 0,0 (the default).

    Right-click the scale button and choose Non-visual Scale. Right-click on the map to open the selection menu and choose Prior. The just previously placed import is now selected. Right-click again, select Do It and enter a scale factor of 5-10, or whatever seems appropriate to fill the map with the city. The previous annual showed the DXF as a small Dot, and required a scale factor of 400, but the revised version shows the DXF much larger, and requires a bit of juggling to get it just right. Make sure you scale origin is still 0,0 though. The map should now appear, roughly matching your drawing area, with some of the entities extending beyond the map border.

    Here is the map of Lowrock with the dxf imported onto the IMPORT Sheet, 0 Layer.

    And here it is, rescaled non-visually by a factor of 10, and then moved, non-visually, up a bit on the map to centre the city better.
