



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

Latest Images

  • Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome

    I am having real internet problems, and can't get my internet to work well at all. So I am going to ask @Monsen to add this map to the Atlas - in southern berenur.

    JimPRoyal ScribeMonsen
  • [WIP] Isometric city

    This is the very first time I have done anything perspectives or isometric. But I was inspired by Ralf's recent video, and the current Annual issue, so I decided to give a big city a go.

    Here is my initial layout - cliffs, main roads, coast and walls done.

    One observation - the walls look a bit artificial with the straight parts and only 4 directions. But I hope that will not be so obvious once I add vegetation and buildings.

    Comments, as always, welcome - you can only help me get better.

  • Hardin region of Myirandios

    Dominated by a reclusive mainly underground settlement of Davarin ('dwarves') with one human settlement.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMapjunkieGlitchMonsen
  • Hardin region of Myirandios

    And here is the central part of the map with all the detailed maps conjoined. Two areas left to do.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsenRicko
  • Hardin - Folortalin - Zaraogra Island

    Here is another Island in the detailed map of Hardin I am doing.

    The title is correct - all knights and other nobles have the so-called 'male' titles, regardless of sex, to indicate that this is a FEMALE dominated world. (as the females are SO much stronger in use of innate 'magic' powers, called etherics).

    LoopysueMonsenRoyal ScribeRicko
  • Ukadarlia

    The male and female Norvians - rather pale green-olive skin, mediterranean types.

  • Community Atlas - Kumarikandam - Northwestern Tolgad

    Here is another map for the Community Atlas, in a style I have not used before - the Myrklund style. I like the jungle trees, and have used them before (especially to indicate mangrove swamps).

    Text to come, after I have cogitated on the map a bit more. Comments and suggestions welcome.

    Royal ScribeMapjunkieJulianDracosGlitch
  • Ukadarlia

    The Kratirim - a Slavic -like people

  • Ukadarlia

    Finally, the Grimir - the 'orcs' of Ukadarlia. They have grey skin and protruding lower canines. They are otherwise another human variant. Both the Aeifa and Grimir can interbreed with each other and the other human ethnicities; however, the pregnancies are likely to miscarry about 50% of the time, and the progeny have about a 20% chance of a genetic flaw - eg cleft lip, club foot, extra digit, accessory nipples, large birthmarks, etc.

  • Watabou City REVISED (annual 157)

    I have now converted all the IMPORT into the appropriate sheets using the Change Like Draw Tool Command only.

    Remember to set the correct Sheet and Layer for each Change like Draw Tool command.

    eg Rivers and Seas (Lakes): Sheet WATER/RIVERS, Layer Water/Rivers

    Roads and Squares: Sheet ROADS or ROADS PAVED, Layer Roads. Note that Square Paved cannot be used in Change Like Draw Tools since it has a macro attached. I may change this later if I can find a paving that doesn't need alignment.

    Parks: Sheet PARKS, Layer Vegetation.

    Docks: Sheet DOCKS, Layer Docks

    Walls: Sheet WALLS, Layer Walls (Note: I have done away with the City Wall Layer). I am still not happy with the crens for the walls - now they hardly show. I will fix that.

    Towers: Sheet TOWERS, Layer Walls. No longer need to draw these without the Change Like Draw Tools command. And it means no guessing as to the size required.

    Bridges: Sheet BRIDGES, Layer Bridges

    Fields: Sheet FIELDS, Layer Vegetation. The furrows align to how the generator drew the fields. So often, not a very intuitive direction. However, if you want to use the tool directly to draw fields, the tool does align the furrows (which are Hatch symbols) correctly. In the picture below, I have done this with the bottom right hand field.

    Buildings: Sheet SYMBOLS BUILDINGS, Layer Buildings, or any of the Building layers you wish to use, eg Bldng (House 1)

    I generally advise doing the Buildings last, as you can then Hide all sheets except Import and Symbols Buildings (with the latter being the selected one). This will then show only the buildings you need to convert.

    I have also added buildings on top of the Palace, and smaller towers on the towers around the Palace.

    Comments and suggestions really welcome.

    Royal ScribeMonsenCalibre