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  • WIP - The Pink Lantern Quarter - A Kowloon Walled City Style Asian town map

    That depends on if I can come up with enough good names. Will probably name some of the main roads and places.

    Today, it was some boats and piers And a first, few details.

    The second picture definitely needs more boats.

    LoopysueJimPMonsen[Deleted User]
  • Community Atlas - Alarius - North Central Region - Silver Spring - battlemap

    Looks like a good start.

    I'd continue by adding shadows:

    A manual cliff shadow using blend mode and wall shadow effects on the bushes and ruin walls.

    What's the blue border between the beach and regular terrain?

  • Quo Vadis Monthly Symbols?

    Hello dear fellow mappers.

    I would love some bonus content for dungeon maps / floorplans, especially SS4.

    It's a beautiful style, but the rather unique look sometimes makes it difficult to substitute other assets if I really, really need a symbol that's not in the catalogue.

    Monsen's suggestions are already pretty good.

    I would add:

    • The Necromancer's room
    • 1001 nights
    • The Far East
    • The Jungle
    • Various creature packs

    I would also welcome Japanese / Chinese / Indonesian add-ons for the Mike Schley Overland style or additional Content for Cities of Schley.

    MonsenJimProflo1adelia hernandez
  • Tang Shen - The Spider City

    Very good point, @jmabbott

    Labelling things according to categories/ importance instead of map placement might seem like a good idea... until you search the Inn labelled No. 17 on a huge map and eventually find it - right between numbers 4 and 32. ;-)

    I remember grumbling about this myself as a user, so thanks a lot and here's the updated version.

    MonsenLoopysue[Deleted User]Wyvern
  • Al Shammar - Cities of Schley fortified oasis

    Thanks a lot, Sue.

    I've created a "cliff shadow update" sheet, that is almost transparent (1% opacity) but casts a wall shadow.

    This works well on the right side of the map, but fails at the ascending section near the left gate. I partially put a non shadow "mask"-sheet above the shadow, but it seems to create more issues than it solves.

    I'll take a look at your FCW files and draw the left side shadows by hand.

    JimPLoopysueroflo1Daniel Pereda De Pablo
  • WIP - The Pink Lantern Quarter - A Kowloon Walled City Style Asian town map

    Weekly Update: Slowly moving towards completion:

    Did not like one of my "evil landmarks", so I rebuilt it.

    Here's the Northeast Harbour area, with the temple to the Swamp gnome's mushroom pantheon.

    They do allow recreational worship...

    Plan is to fill up the remaining empty parts, before adding detail and final decorative tweaks.

    I've uploaded the current WIP to my gallery, so you can see some of the details.

    roflo1[Deleted User]Monsen
  • The Temple of Hekaria - a Dungeons of Schley Battlemap

    Thanks a lot, Ricko.

    I've applied this a little bit.

    The effect is very subtle, but it helps break up the monotomy of terrain (and shows where most people trot over the dirt/grass).

    Will definitely use this more on future maps.

  • Parallel Lines close to Darklands City Roof Edges

    Many thanks, Sue. My houses are now correctly slated again. :)

    I was able to reproduce how CC3 switched to the "merge" layer:

    I had placed the stairs on the left side just before the "lined" buildings.

    The stairs are from Dungeons of Schley.

    Whenever I switch to a different "program" from City Designer 3 (Dungeons of Schley in this case), and then click on a symbol category icon, the layer changes to "merge".

    Maybe this happens when it wants to select a layer that's not present in the current map. It switches to "Vegetation" when is select the "tree" icon from an overland style, for example.

    Once I select an item category, that has a layer present on the current map, the layer seems to switch to it. I can - sometimes - switch it back to "Building", by clicking on a precreated house icon.

  • Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome

    Al Shammar has just become Dekunu Oasis (in Dungroth, Doriant)

    I'll submit once I've finished the description and any last tweaks.

    [Deleted User]JimProflo1
  • Something Evil has awakened =O

    Very nice. Looks like either the mystery-shrouded start or the bload-soaked end of a great adventure.

    Great mix / layering of symbols around the open grave. And now I want more Schley Dungeon Symbols again...

    JimPDon Anderson Jr.Ricko