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  • The Temple of Hekaria - a Dungeons of Schley Battlemap

    Felt inspired by @Ricko Hasche . This map is a bit more plain than his temple map, but I wanted the ambush on my characters to take place inside the temple. ๐Ÿ˜‡

    This map is loosely based on the image of the temple on the Karing town map from the Splittermond Witch Queen campaign.

    I Created the three faced goddess-statue using assets from Forgotten Adventures.

    The rest is Dungeons and Cities of Schley.

    Gritless version - in case someone might ask: ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Larger versions are in my gallery.

    Have a great Friday.

    LoopysueMonsenJimPRicko Hascheseycyrusroflo1RalfAleD
  • Dark Water Monastery - Style mix village scale map

    Finished this just in time - our RPG sesssion starts in 45 minutes.

    Started out with the Marine Dungeons Style, because of the water caverns beneath the temple.

    But then I used mostly City styles (Asian Town/Japanese Temple, Darklands, City Cliffs).

    I've started drawing the walls of the buildings, to be able to show indoor scenes while hiding the roofs, but for today's session, this will have to do. Might finish/further embellish this map later, since I really like it.

    Starting to enjoy village scale map - and mixing dungeon scale with city scale elements.

    Let me know what you think.

    Update: Started the interiors:

    [Deleted User]JimPMonsenLoopysueroflo1WyvernWazzebuRicko HascheQuentenAleD
  • The Calm Water Lily Inn

    Printed and ready to use.

    A bit small, but It still needs to fit on the table... :)

    QuentenRoyal ScribeLoopysueGlitchMonsenRicko HascheCalibreRaiko
  • 436 East Biddle - A Baltimore row house

    Long time no see. Hello again. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Here's a fictional version of a dilapidated Baltimore row house for our World of Darkness campaign.

    I've used an existing floor plan of a Philadelphia row house as base, and modified it to fit the building's exterior dimensions and look.

    Assets used were from both modern bitmap styles, with a few textures and objects (notably the doors) taken from fantasy "dungeon"-styles.

    I might update this floor plan later - once our GM tells me what's in the empty first floor room.

    A larger version is in my gallery.

    Have a fine start into the week!

    Kertis HendersonLoopysueScottARicko HascheMonsenRoyal ScribeC.C. CharronQuenten
  • WIP - The Pink Lantern Quarter - A Kowloon Walled City Style Asian town map

    Thank you @Wyvern

    Yes - it needed a scale bar.

    Used the Dragonfish polygon from the map key to create the decorations. Might try creating a few more of these "Crest-Polygons" - they're very versatile.

    Large version in the gallery is also updated.

    MonsenLoopysueroflo1JimP[Deleted User]RalfWyvern
  • The Swamp Rat - Playing around with Lighting

    Starting to play around with dungeon lighting a bit.

    Not 100% happy yet, but it's decent.

    The daylight version of this map is still a mess of overlapping wall shadow effects - will probably add it later.

    Larger version is in my gallery, as usual.

    Cheers! :)

    PS: Added a slight outer glow around the bar and piers, compared to the initial post.

    Loopysueroflo1Ricko Hasche[Deleted User]JimPLautipablo gonzalez
  • Domyaku Shrine - A Forest Trails study in scarlet

    I love the new varycolour trees.

    Thank you so much @Loopysue

    This style has so much potential. And I had so much fun just quickly tacking this together.

    Here's a version without the grid:

    Larger versions are in my gallery. Wear red when you bring offerings. ;)

    Jeff BMonsenRicko HascheLoopysueJimPMythal82RalfGlitchCalibre
  • (WIP) Path to the Ruined Tower - A more realistic Forest Trails map

    That was quicker than expected. :-)

    Almost looks a bit too plain without the grid.

    Larger versions are in my gallery. And I'm now thinking of what adventures await down the tower's stairs.

    MonsenMythal82LoopysueJimP[Deleted User]GlitchWyvernRicko Haschearsenico13
  • [WiP] What's happening under Iorek's Tower - Creepy Crypts Dungeon

    Third level - This is where things start go get interesting:

    This is an abandoned experimental facility. It's purpose was to weaponize rock-creatures of the underdark that reproduce by multiplying through magic energies and a bath in certain substances.

    The spidery "worker clones" climb up the central shaft to collect the mushrooms for the magic cloning baths. They also bring corpses to the mushrooms and dispose of the bones in the "waste room". They will only attack if their opponents are severely handicapped (such as when climbing), or as a last resort.

    The Golem-like warriors are comparatively slow but very sturdy. They are activated only by magic command from the central control crystal (which will be at lvl 4), or when intruders attack the workers / trigger certain alarms.

    The enchantments controlling the clones are slowly growing weaker, so both close types will occasionally display traces of their original behaviour, or simply erratic behavior before reverting back to "program".

    Years ago, some adventurers dug a small tunnel that bypassed the portcullis from the main stairs. They then fell victim to the warrior clones.

    Details of cloning and clone storage rooms:

    "Stuff no one will ever notice" ;) : Outer magic circles drawn using the the bronze inlay texture from Marine Dungeons 2:

    The waste disposal room, with the remains of two "decommissioned" worker clones:

    Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPTheschabiRicko HascheRalfadelia hernandezpablo gonzalez
  • Galangar - The City of Gold and Red

    Thanks to both of you. I just noticed I don't have the Alyssa Faden Annual.

    I've also noticed I had missed something very obvious: Mike Schley Overland has clouds... ๐Ÿค—

    I've also applied a very light gray transparent layer over the montains and "trees supposed to be farther away".

    I'll take another look after I've slept. If I don't find anything else to improve, I'll upload the large version.

    Loopysueroflo1QuentenRalfMonsenJimPRicko Haschepablo gonzalez