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  • Shrimp Tony

    Damn! You have tempted me into buying the isometric towns! ;)

    Great maps.

  • Annual 2023

    Most of all I would really enjoy an "East Asian Dungeon/ Fantasy Floorplan style", that is compatible with Sue's other recent styles (Creepy Crypts, Forest Trail).

    Apart from that, there's lots of great suggestions in this thread:

    Agree with Quenten that CA3 could really use more symbols or features (I've pretty much stopped using it, because I'm constantly missing items/ elements I would need for a character).

    Modern/ Cyberpunk / Steampunk City/ Floor Plan Content would be cool, too. As would something Aztec/ Inca / Maya-themed.

    Apart from the annuals, an update/ rework of SS3 would also probably be an instant buy for me. The current SS3 really looks quite dated, compared to newer styles.

  • Community Atlas - Berenur - Temple of Aeniar

    That is an awesome map. Especially like the water effects.

    And the bird, of course. :)

    Jeff BRicko
  • An ambush site - Forest Trails Style

    Looks good. I like the 3d terrain effects.

    A little bit of Wall Shadow effect would make the bridge railings look better.

    If you want to dress you map up more, add some rocks into and around the creek and maybe a small strip of "edge-faded"sandy/ muddy terrain right next to the water.

  • A bridge

    Me too. :) The dirt tracks in the center of the roads are nice too.

    Are those stairs from a Perspectives style?

    So far, I've only used barrels and other small decorative items from Perspectives with SS6, but the stairs might be an easier solution than manually creating stairs out of blocks / stone piers.

  • Forest Trail project - part 2

    @Loopysue They look a bit like cobwebs in the example picture, which is probably due to the green water and rocks underneath.

    Also, the contrast between rapid, foaming water and perfectly still, clear water in between looks unnatural, as do the sharp "non wavy" water edges towards the lower left of the screen.

    The rocks under water look great, but maybe some kind of blur - effect and "rougher" edges would make the water look more "flowing".

  • Forest Trail project - part 2

    @Loopysue Thanks a lot. The water looks great with the new fill.

    Will there also be an undamaged bridge, without the hole? The damaged one looks great, but an undamaged bridge symbol is a lot more versatile to use...

    @JulianDracos Another method for creating stepping stones is to use the same rock symbol twice: One copy in the "underwater" sheet, and a smaller copy on top, on the "above water" sheet, to show the dry part. Might also work with polygons.

  • Made a city to a friend

    That's an amazing map. And it's got so many things to discover.

    The temples, the cave, the circles of stone, the necropole... 😀

    Also love how you used the "porch front stairs" as stairs to the inner castle / temple gate. Hadn't thought of that.

  • A2 Forest Trail - Ruin Tower Battlemap

    Have you also tried adding a slight edge fade directly to the cliffs?

    Just checked some of my older maps. An "Edge fade inner"-effect with 0.5m edge with seems to work quite well to help the cliffs blend in.

  • A Temple and Market Square Battlemap

    Very nice composition and great use of the pavillon as temple roof.

    Might use this for an ambush, since my party's grown a bit complacent lately...
