[WIP] Community Atlas - Artemisia - Lakiope

Here is one of the remaining areas of Artemisia unmapped. I will use the Mike Schley style to fit the rest of the continent. It is basically central Lakiope. It is a Hellene Principality (Human), ruled by an elected prince (think Venice).


  • An updated version. Any additions/deletions or other changes please.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    It looks ok to me, though I would suggest expanding the Edge Fade Inner sheet effects on those terrain fills so that they blend together?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Someone needs to do a map of those pyramids in the Ancient Tombs style
  • 23 days later
  • Here is an update - I have included the 2 biggest cities (done in Watabou) as well. Some tidying up of the city maps, plus legends and perhaps a coat of arms for each city and the country as a whole. I know Isisippe is not on the map, but is included because it is the capital.

    Can I have comments as to whether you think this map is OK with the cities included?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    I think it's great :)

    They are like inset maps, which are the usual way to include important details at a larger scale.

    The only puzzling point is that there isn't an Isisippe on the main map.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Looks good, but the inclusion of a city not on the map is a bit weird here. Have you considered expanding the map a bit further south so Isippe is included? There are no reason maps in the atlas can't overlap (as long as they don't disagree about the details), on the contrary, overlapping map is generally good, because it avoids that annoying problem when something happens at the edge of a map you need to keep referring back and forth between the maps.

  • That is some of the feedback wanted. I will do that.

  • Here is the map, including the whole of Lakiope.

    More labelling, villages in the south, fixing city effects and tidying up Kataboros city.

    Write up already underway, so hopefully ready for the Atlas in 1-2 days. The last of the Artemisia maps to cover the continent in regional maps.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Much better :)

    This may be nitpicking, but I feel an urge to suggest that you fill those great empty spaces beneath each city map with something - a shield or a bit of blurb, or something.

  • That is reserved for a legend - and coat of arms will also feature somewhere. I have finished both cities, and am now working on text.

  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 35 images Surveyor
    edited September 2020

    Also a nit, but would it look better if the two cities were swooped? So they were closer to where they are on the map.

  • I think I'm almost there. Any helpful comments etc very welcome. Nitpicking required! Thanks for your comment, pvernon, but I prefer the bigger city first.

    I have put a larger image in my Gallery, under Artemisia

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    This map is now in the atlas. Congratulations to Quenten on his 100th atlas map.

    RaikoJimPLoopysueMaidhc O Casain
  • Thank you everyone for your comments, likes and help with this map.

  • These are the mapnotes. I enjoy word play (as you all probably know) and this is no exception.


    Lakiope is a Hellenic Principality, ruled (rather neglectfully) by Prince Iosphios II of the Laitoun dynasty. It is a small nation, mainly human, consisting of farmers, sheepherders and fishermen.

    Its main exports are wool, olives and oranges. In addition the small island nation of The Iansoun Islands, ruled by an elected Fisherking, provides many treasures of the shallow seabed – pearls, sponges and other creatures which can be used for making much sought after dyes.


    Isisippe (capital) ~ 16,000. This houses the small but effective Royal Lakiope Navy (RLN) and a small shipbuilding site. The Woolsack (a wool exchange) is the largest in the nation, and indeed in all the surrounding nations. Lakiope produces the finest wool, and about 35% of all wool on Artemisia. Outside the walls is the lower class district called Pearl Harbour, where much of The Iansoun Islands’ sea bounty is sold.

    Katabaros ~11,000. This is the seat of Lord Giogios III of the House of Demetrion. The city has always been a rival of the capital, and there is considerable sentiment for independence in northern Lakiope. In fact, more merchandise passes through Katabaros than Isisippe. In addition to an impressive Woolsack, there is also the Olive Exchange where olive products are bid for, prior to departure from Lakiope.

    Major Towns

    Speusippe ~ 7,500. Mainly a wool and woollen clothing centre, famous for their Speus Tweed.

    Odosis ~ 5,500. Here olive production is the main industry, along with their justly prized goat’s milk and cheese. The country’s biggest olive presses are here.

    Dekocles ~4,500. This is a border town, but has a considerable wool and timber industry.

    Notable Sites

    Fos Ouranou (Light of the Sky) Lighthouse, warns against rocky reefs in the narrow channel between the reef and the village of Plenyo.

    Arimeoun Pyramids. These three pyramids were constructed in the distant past by a more civilized culture of lizardmen who now live in the Demosthenes swamp in a much more barbaric state. It is said their Queens were interred here, but no way in has been discovered (there is none – it was walled in after the interment, and it would require a large demolition process to even discover the funereal chambers).

    Garigek Orc Village – a small village of semi-civilized grim (orcs) who both raid and trade with their neighbours – Lakiope and the Khargad tribes.

    Grenazen Orc Village – another small village of semi-civilized Grim (orcs), though mainly trade rather than raid, as they are not a very powerful clan.

    Astatheke (ruins) and Tithitos Tower (ruins) – this ruined complex once guarded Lakiope from the Khargad tribes. The latter destroyed it about 40 years ago during a major battle with Lakiope. A peace treaty was forged that has both kept the peace and the Tower abandoned.

    Khargad Tribes

    The Takacs, Kisteleki and Dalonoki tribes have their territories close to Lakiope, and after the peace treaty have not disturbed Lakiope.

    Zeloteos Tower – the abode of a secretive sorcerer, Zelot, who is engaged in making monsters of the Frankenstein monster variety, as well as dabbling in poisons. The latter keeps him in material wealth; the former has resulted in rather unusual monsters in the Hippotria Scrub and Khargad Plains. Occasionally these monsters wander into civilized lands where they have to be dealt with. Only few are intelligent enough to make permanent lairs, and avoid being killed.

    Kakosnaos, Temple of Elemental Evil. This was the site of an evil cult that worshipped the four elements of Fire, water, Air and earth. They were defeated over 100 years ago by allied Lakiopans and Khargad tribesmen, and the temple ‘destroyed’. However, it has been reinhabited by some of the surviving cultists, and the monsters of Zelot.

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