The map of GnoccoCON '24, a local gaming event

I organize a roleplaying games' and gamebooks convention in my town, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Since last year I started to make a map that shows where eveything's located via CC3+, so that people know what to expect, where to plant the tents and where to find the rubbish bins. My experience with the software is still limited, and yet it's pleasant to be able to produce all of this from scratch in around 4 hours. Also, I bought two full pledged Humble Bundles so I actually have a lot of stuff to play with.

All of this was obviously done with Dungeon Designer 3, with a few addons:

  • more or less all the symbols and the backgrounds come from base Symbol Set 4; they were not modified except the tables and benches that were stretched a little bit;
  • the tents come from Symbol Set 4 Color Monthly 1;
  • the vampires come from Token Treasury: Monster 1;
  • the runes on the ground are actually text written in a Quenya font I found online;
  • the two arrows are the only symbol I have to hunt for online;

Vampires indicate the presence of big, hungry, mosquitoes, of course.

I'm pretty satisfied with the result and thought to share it here since of the rather unusual (I think?) event-oriented usage of CC3+.

LoopysueC.C. CharronKertis HendersonRoyal ScribeMonsencanox82JulianDracosLoreleiWyvernGeorgeand 1 other.


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