Gurgen's Rock - Mining outpost

I threw this together for Monday night's session. Dark Lands City and SS2. The rock face is a third party texture applied using the Texture Overblend Effect. Enjoy.

DaltonSpenceLoopysueQuentenRoyal ScribeRicko HascheC.C. CharronMonsenLoreleiGlitchCalibreand 1 other.


  • I'd love to see the FCW for this. It looks like the beginning of a really interesting project. Learning how to use your new texture could be fun too.
  • @DaltonSpence Here you go, I use generic names for my FCW files, as you can see. I suspect you will find I am horribly inefficient at using sheets, that I have yet to actually start using layers properly and I tend to brute force stuff... Try not to laugh to hard :-) Any advice you can offer will be well appreciated.

    The third party textures are from PBE Games. They sell a lot of maps, this a very minor part of their protfolio that I stumbled across on DTRPG.

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • Did you clip this site from a larger map? I noticed that some of the background entities extended well beyond the map border.
  • edited June 23

    No, I did not. I take a lot of ground /grass.etc. entities outside of the map area because I use edge fade inner on most of them and if I stop at the map edge the entities fade at the border. Is there another way to stop this from happening? That said, I use Save as rectangular section jpg and cut off the border for the images I post.

  • With an edge fade inner distance of only 6 to 8 feet by stretching the outer screen to 10 ft. wide you could trim the entities to the outer edge of the screen without having the fade show on the map. If you are using drawing tools for this you can put sharp corners inside the screen so the curvature of the entities isn't affected.
  • edited June 23

    @DaltonSpence Thank you, I will try both of those. Much appreciated.

  • This is great. I haven't used Texture Overblend much except when it was preset in a style. I'm going to practice with it -- I'm working on a castle that could use cliffs like that. Have you considered a slight Wall Shadow on the buildings?

  • edited June 23

    @Royal Scribe I had completely forgotten to add the Wall Shadow effect, thanks for the reminder. I've been trying to get rock face/cliff face type features in various maps for about a year now. I tried a lot of things using the various rock drawing tools in several CC3+ dungeon and city styles but it wasn't getting there. PBE Games has a numner of different textures, mostly rock types, that can change the look a lot. I have not moved beyond figuring out the texture scaling and picking the base texture. The lower map is a different texture pack.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueKertis HendersonCalibreJuanpi
  • I think this is great. I love the texture.

    The only thing I suggest is to compare the length of the cliff's shadow with the shadow of, say, a building. I think the cliff shadow is too short.

    Maybe that's a perspective thing. Most of the map is overhead, but the cliff is not. I'd say that if the cliff were narrower and the entrances were at a sharper angle, it would match even better.

    These are just comments, as I think the map is really good.

  • @Kertis Henderson I think you are correct. The shadow on the cliff is hand drawn so it is not scaled well. I may have tried to add a shadow with the wall shadow effect when I started the map and it didn't work...who needs notes... :-). I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Change the sun direction so it's shining North facing the cliff. No shadow needed.
  • edited June 24

    @DaltonSpence @Kertis Henderson Dueling effects, I worked it out...although I like your idea too D...

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