Community Atlas - Irisian City States - Dimitrios island

Here is my next Island. Not complete yet, and wanting suggestions etc.

Royal ScribeLoopysueRicko HascheCalibreJuanpiMapjunkie


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited May 11

    Looks good :)

    What about a couple of smaller labels for the other places on the map?

  • Yes, that is definitely coming. Trying to squeeze in a few adventure sites, as I will also be using these islands in my own world.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Farmland fill looks a bit too large scaled IMHO for that small island. Have you tried reducing the fill scale a bit?

  • Do you mean make the farms smaller, or bigger?

    Here is the map at present. I am happy to take on board your suggestion. I guess the paddocks are almost a mile wide at present!

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    @Ricko Hasche wrote:

    how i can do this master @Monsen ?

    Reducing the scale of a single fill is just a matter of opening up the fill style dialog, selecting the appropriate fill, and reduce the width/height values.

    Ricko HascheRoyal ScribeDon Anderson Jr.Loopysue
  • edited May 11

    I'm primitive and have little knowledge of computers in general, these windows with lots of numbers and information make me afraid of clicking on something and deleting everything, completely unconfigure and I can never go back to the default stats or blowing up the machine😅

    Royal ScribeLoopysueQuenten
  • The final map. Map notes to come, then off to the Atlas. Next island coming up.

    For those (including me) who wonder how much could be reasonably fitted on such a small island, I attach this map of the Scilly Isles. the largest island, St Mary's, has many interesting prehistoric ruins, and other features, and is only a fraction the size of this island.

    LoopysueRicko HascheDon Anderson Jr.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Yea, you can put a lot of things on small islands. I've been to a couple of the Caribbean ones. Barbados for example is 169 square miles, which looks about similar to yours in size, and has a population of 300 000 and lots of interesting locations.

    JuanpiDon Anderson Jr.
  • Some improvements and corrections, as suggested in private message from @Ricko Hasche - thanks for those, Ricko ❤️

    I think this is now complete and ready for the Atlas once I have done the map notes.

    Larger map in the Gallery.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeRicko HascheMonsenJuanpi
  • 25 days later
  • Here are the Map notes on this island, with much drawn from several well known stories. The legend about the Batavinia wreck is based on a wreck of a treasure ship off St Mary's in the Scilly isles, the expedition of Sir Cloudesley Shovel. Scilly naval disaster of 1707 - Wikipedia

    This island is sparsely populated, and recently (137 years ago) came under the control of the prince of Tartateos, the second most powerful Irisian City-State. There are only two settlements of any note – Dimitri and Erinthal, a village inhabited mainly by wood-elves. Economically, it is mainly dependent on fishing, and especially the famed Horned Leviathin, a sea creature of shark ancestry, which is larger than a whale, has a spiked horn on its ‘nose’, but is otherwise not an aggressive animal, subsisting mainly on small fish. Both its horn and oil are valuable commodities – the oil being superior to Whale oil; and as a bonus, its flesh is fine eating. It seems to be a rather stupid creature, and so is in danger of being wiped out by the over-fishing.

    The island’s overlord (Seneschal) is Sir Mikos Menelaos, a rather stern middle-aged man, with a frumpy wife, but an absolutely beautiful daughter, Daphne – leading to rumours that she is in fact one of the knight’s bastards being passed off as his child and heir presumptive. She is very aware of her position in society, and looks down on all the local populace, and can’t wait to be old enough to return to the more interesting social life in Tartateos. Of recent note is the fact that the prince’s son has twice visited the island in the last 12 months, and has spent a considerable amount of time in Daphne’s company.

    Sites of Interest

    1.     Dimitri: A walled town, population 12,382 with its main industries being revolved around the sea – especially whale and Leviathin catching and processing industries, with Leviathin oil being in high demand for its purity and aromatic supposed healing qualities. But there are a group of ‘protesters’ against this industry, especially the easy slaughter of the Leviathin, which have noticeably diminished in numbers over recent decades. Most of the protestors – called “Children of the Sea” are elf in heritage, but their leader is the shadowy figure of “The Star of the Sea – Stella Maris”. She is in fact an vengeful sea-witch, and leader of a far more dangerous organization, the “Triton Crown”, based on marine creatures, who seek to overthrow the land dwellers, and flood the shores of the island, sink all ships and establish a strong marine kingdom with vassalage over the whole island.

    2.     Fort Airyn: a lightly manned garrison from the City-State of Tartateos, with very little duties, till recently, when the protest against leviathin fishing took a more violent turn, culminating in the main oil processing plant being set fire to, and seriously damaged in an attack several months previously. The leader of the garrison, Sir Georgeos Heraklion, is the current secret lover of Daphne Menelaos, the Seneschal’s daughter; though unknown to him, she is planning to abandon him for her newer interest, the Prince Heir of Tartateos himself.

    3.     Egg and Bacon Inn: A very hospitable inn, with a very genial host – who is being blackmailed by the Stella Maris to allowing the Children of the Sea meet and organize here. He had been involved in child abuse and kidnapping for criminal groups throughout the City-States, and although he has now stopped out of fear, he needs the protection of the Children against lethal moves against him from one or more of the gangs he was involved with, as well as their silence about his dealings, which would definitely see him executed (by drowning). His basement has a secret area that houses equipment as well as the residence of Stella Maris. A secret tunnel to underwater sea-caves leads from this basement to underwater sea-caves and thence to the underwater realm of the Triton Crown.

    4.     Erinithal (elven village): Inhabited by up to 2,500 ‘sea’ elves – these are elves who are actually amphibious, and at home in damp lands as well as shallow waters. They are very against the whole whaling and Leviathin industries, but only a few are aware of the triton Crown, a more deeply based marine ‘entity’ – and these are true converts to the cause of the Crown.

    5.     Monument to the Lost at Sea: Erected by the previous Seneschal as a memorial to all sailors, fishermen and ‘brave whalers’; it is now the ironic symbol of the Children who also hold some of their nocturnal rites here, celebrating all acts against the ‘murderers’ of the children of the sea (the leviathan and whales).

    6.     Fingali Tower (ruins): The previous home of the island’s garrison, abandoned over a century ago because of frightening deeds of supernatural horror – with the deaths of the whole garrison, and later any replacements. The cause was never found – and neither the Children of the sea, the seneschal’s men, nor even the Triton Crown know what the cause is. All they agree on is that any who set foot in the tower are never seen again. The actual truth is that it is the lair of the demonic Remial Monster, a hell-fiend that was expelled from the infernal regions for crimes against its overlord, and bound to this tower for eternity as punishment. One can only hope that no one will find a way, accidentally or not, to release the Remial Monster upon the rest of the world!!

    7.     Tineblasro (ruined hamlet): This was a small settlement of mixed elves and humans, but fell into disrepute after rather nasty racial riots broke out, as a result of rival elf family and human family found the heirs to each other’s family business romantically involved with each other. Instead of taking their own lives, as in Romeo and Juliet, the doomed lovers were killed by the opposing families; the feud grew, ordinary folk left the villages, and eventually, the Seneschal sent forces to quell the violent riots. As a result, leaders of both factions were executed by drowning, and the settlement abandoned. Over 65 years have passed since then, and it is overgrown, and the houses of the two families are reputed haunted by the doomed lovers.

    8.     Old Lords’ Barrows: Here are said to be entombed the overlords of this isle before its annexation by Tartateos 137 years ago. Out of respect, they have not been looted, and a small group of folk have formed the Barrow-Guards, to protect the island’s heritage.

    9.     Henge to the Unknown God: A mysterious double stone circle with a central trilithon, of unknown purpose. Some engraved inscriptions on the central pillars seem to indicate it was a place of worship, perhaps sacrifices to an unknown deity. The secret passage under the henge has yet to be discovered.

    10. Wreck of the Batavinia: A famous wreck of a treasure ship sailing from southern regions was wrecked here. Most of the treasure was looted by locals over 75 years ago, but the sea floor is still covered with ancient coins. The surviving crew were rescued however, and their descendants still live on Dimitrios Island today. The story surrounding the ship’s captain was a little more gruesome – he did make it to shore, only to be clubbed unconscious by a woman trying to steal the gold chain around his neck – he was left for dead, recovered consciousness and crawled to the nearest house, only to be shot with arrows by the residents who feared he was a malevolent sea creature. because of his appearance, clad in seaweed.

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