Diagonal Square

Is there any way to place the squares diagonally instead of the standard horizontal/vertical way like this example from watabou?

Thank you very much


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Yes and no.

    The default grid command in CC3+ can't create such grids, but you have some options.

    1. Make grid, then simply rotate it (You may need to unfreeze the layer it is on first)
    2. Use symbols, these are rotatable.
    3. Use a symbol fill based on some simple line symbols. You can specify rotation for this type of fill.
    4. Use a fill that contains a rotated grid. If using a raster image, you can rotate it either in an image editor outside of CC3+, or you can use a shaded polygon inside CC3+ to apply rotation to the fill.

    All of them require some manual work, as drawing at an angle like this isn't something CC3+ has tools to do directly.

    Note that since CC3+ can't have a rotated snap grid, you may wish to simply draw it "normally" first, and then simply rotate the entire dungeon with the rotate command.

    LoopysueRicko Hascheroflo1
  • I recommend the last of Monsen's suggestions. ie draw normally, then rotate. I had the same issue a while back.

    Ricko Hascheroflo1
  • I've used polygon, with the grid used as a guide. With Ortho off, diagonals can be made.

    Ricko Hascheroflo1
  • I have always draw then rotate.

    roflo1Ricko Hasche
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