Can anyone explain why sheet affects aren't working?

Hey, everyone. I downloaded the latest annual issue at the beginning of this last month as usual, but I noticed in the example map that the sheet effects weren't working. They say they're working, the checkbox is checked, but as you can see the color key isn't working. The other sheet effects such as glows aren't working either.

Sorry about the blurry image. I couldn't figure out how to get a screenshot of my computer without taking an external photo.

Today I re-downloaded the annual issue, but got the same result. Is there something in the settings that I might have accidentally changed? Or do I have another kind of glitch affecting my system? I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    I have noticed that sometimes the sheet effects stop working for reasons I can't quite nail down to being because of A or B (if I could identify the cause I'd have reported it ages ago), but usually unchecking the Activate Sheet Effects checkbox, then checking it again and then clicking Apply will sort it out.

    If that doesn't work please can you upload the FCW file, Elfling?

    EDIT: to take a screen shot press the "prt sc" button and then paste in a comment by pressing CTRL+V

    EDIT2: Also check if you have any layers hidden. If the MERGE layer in particular is hidden the effects aren't likely to work correctly if they work at all.

  • I have the same experience as Sue, and the same solution.

  • Here's a better screenshot. Thanks, Sue, for that little trick about print screen. I've pressed the key before but nothing ever happened. I didn't know you had to paste the image somewhere.

    I tried unchecking and checking the box several times, then hitting apply, but to no effect. Sue, I looked at the layers as you suggested and nothing was frozen but the template layer.

    Here's the FCW file, but I can't imagine it's any different than your copy.

    I loaded a few other maps from previous annual issues and got the same problem with the sheet effects, no color key polygons were working effectively. I am of the mind there is some other bug in my system which is affecting the CC3+ performance. I may have to contact tech support to see if they have a solution. Otherwise I'll probably have to re-download something.

    @Quenten Thank you for your help, but as I've already mentioned, I tried that several times and had no favorable results. It's like the entire sheet effects sub-routine is not working.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Thanks Elfling.

    The effects worked ok for me when I opened it just now.

    Have you tried shutting CC down and reopening it?

    I was concerned that the MERGE layer might be hidden (not frozen), but since nothing is either hidden or frozen that isn't the problem.

  • @Loopysue Yeah, I've tried all the things that you and Quenten mentioned, unclicking and reclicking the activate sheet effects button, time and time again as a matter of fact. I've closed the program and re-opened it. I've even tried rebooting the whole computer. But nothing seems to work. I don't spend a lot of time on my laptop, so I didn't notice the problem until recently. But when I couldn't resolve the issue on my own, I figured there was something I might have accidentally adjusted in the settings or there was some pernicious kind of bug in my program.

    As I mentioned above, I even tried loading other example maps and they all seem to exhibit the same behavior, namely the sheet effects don't seem to be working. My obvious conclusion is that I need to contact tech support to see if they know what I need to do. Thank you again for your help.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Yes, that would have been my next suggestion if nothing we tried worked. Tech Support should be able to work out what's wrong.

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