🖼️ 14 images Surveyor
I want to draw crops but I haven't got symbols that I can use to draw them. I'm sure its simple when someone suggests an option.
I have got : CC3+, the basic Dungeons, City Designer 3(+), SS1-6, CoS, Anunals 9 & 15 + this year's annual
Hi Helen :)
Please can you show us a screen shot of the map you want to put them in so we can get a better idea of the kind of fills that might work?
sure - as soon as I can find it!
sorry about the entire screenshot - couldn't crop it. The buildings are ALL isomectric as are the market symbols.
here's a better one @Loopysue =
Thanks :)
SS6 has several crop drawing tools you can use to fill the fields, though it is probably going to be easier if you have already drawn in the rivers, roads and hedges/forests first so you can just fill the fields in with different fills.
I am assuming this is an SS6 template, since the buildings are SS6.
Some excellent crop bitmap versions are in CA169 - Fantasy town, which you can use align using Shaded Polygon (Angle by Edge)
This is my favourite crop bitmap. Even better than Schley's, IMO
thanks both of you.
the settlement has already gone through many iterations. And I prefer doing the dominant feature of my maps first - I know what's going where.
(My copy of) SS6 doesn't have any terrain textured fills, and that's what I want. Cities of Schley does but that means faffing around importing my SS6 map into it :(
The screen shot I showed you above is from SS6, not SS5.
You have to scroll down to find them quite a bit.
i am using SS6 Sue! and i've been right through the terrain fills that DRAWTOOLSP gives me - and lilac water to boot!
Lilac water? I don't seem to have any of that.
When you created this map did you create it specifically as an SS6 map or something else?
And when you open the drawtools what style do you have named in that Style dropdown box top right?
I think it'll be easier if I send you the .fcw but the answer to your two questions is Isometric.
the lilac is because the fill style is set to the old, old hatched symbols and the colour [top left] is set to that colour.
I've imported the SS6 fills for you in this one by using Insert file in the Draw menu to start inserting a blank SS6 map. When you do that you can press ESC just before pasting it and still have all the fills imported.
I had to rename it to make sure you could tell it was the one I'd played with.
thanks Sue, I'm making some progress with the map at last.