can't select symbols
for most of the afternoon i've not been able to select any symbols to place on the map I'm working on. The command line is stuck on Catalog no matter which catalouge I pick. I can draw shapes but that is it. I can't think of anything I have done to upsect things.
I have that happen randomly. I press the enter key and try to type list. If I can get list to work, I can do other things.
like what @JimP ?
If a command seems stuck, it can also help just hitting the Esc key a couple of times.
I've done Esc... I have also used SELBYD to finish a macro that is hung up.
Sometimes i get something like SYMetc. I don't remember what it was. I think symcast, but I"m not sure. I'll watch for it.
I see catalog. I press the enter key several times. If I get a response other than catalog, I then type the command list. I don't select anything. Then I can start placing symbols, floors, etc.
I get this mostly on maps I worked on the day before. Not new maps.
thanks guys.
When this happens to me, I find a file save seems to work for clearing.