Drabarmund - an SS5 village

Needed a village for a witch burning, to establish a villain.
Might as well create a proper map, in case our heroes return there, or the group decides to escalate things further:
Almost pure SS5, with only a few chimneys taken from City Streets /Darklands Cities.
A Larger version is in my gallery.
Who's the villain, the witch being burned, or the one burning her? (Or the players?)
This is an awesome map. What style is that, please?
PS: mixed styles?
The bad guy was the one orderimg and overseeing the burning. An evil cleric who has bribed his way up, so he can use the king's men to do his bidding. He's going to be the first main villain of the campaign.
The style used is almost pure cities of Schley, with some modifications to the sheets and sheet effects (modifyimg edge fade values and shadow lenghts, adding a few sheets and putting a slight brown glow onto the roads and fields).
The only symbols from other styles are some of the chimneys.
I really enjoy the transition in the forest! I might steal that way of doing it on some maps.
Yes please. Just remember to put the individual trees and the forest texture on the same sheet (I moved the trees to the "woods"-sheet for this - and moved the woods sheet around, so that the trees covered the houses again).
i was about to write same thing <3 Well done!