Live Mapping - Sewer Encounters

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

You all like sewers right? That's where we're headed on Thursday, so mark the time in your calendars. I'll be handing out XP penalties for anyone who is late or absent.

As usual, it starts 18:00 CET, to figure the time in your local time zone either just start the video below and YouTube should tell you, or look over at the left forum sidebar, it should provide the time in your timezone provided you are a logged in user.

Remember that while you can of course just watch the video in the embedded video player here at the forum, a far better option is to hit the video title in the top left of the video or the large YouTube logo in the bottom right to be taken to the YouTube page where you'll also find the chat where you can interact with us during the stream.



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