
Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor
edited November 2022 in Show and Tell

I have been working to bring the World of Endoria to life in CC3. The person I'm doing this for has been running a DND game in Endoria for 20+ years now and I'm building the map from his collection of crude pencil drawing and filling in the rest of the world as I see fit. The world is huge and it is taking longer than expected but I'm making progress. Now that the August Contest entries are completed I have been able to work on the Monster Lands and surrounding area to produce a regional map ina jpeg image as I have not broken out the region into a separate map yet.

I decided to post what I have been working on to get some feedback into what I can do better and what I maybe missing. The style is Sue's Overland Spectrum with building from Darklands.

I may post the entire map later as it is currently rough and only has some areas fleshed out but not real happy with some of those areas. So here is what I'm currently working on.

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