August Mapping Competition - The Results

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

The august mapping competition and voting is now over, and here are the results.

As announced, there are 4 prizes. A $50 store voucher for best map, while the winner of most interesting floorplan can pick from one of the three products gifted by Steve Smith, Cosmographer 3, Source Maps: Cities and Fractal Terrains 3. The remaining two products goes to the two random draw winners with the first one getting first pick.

Best Map

26 %    Quenten - Bowmans General Store
20 %    AleD - The Blue Rose Tavern
13 %    Loopysue - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office
 9 %    Jeff B - Jenin River Whiskey Distillery
 9 %    Wyvern - Cloven House
 7 %    aresnico13 - Johnny Carps Shack
 4 %    Daniel Pereda De Pablo - The Arena
 4 %    Shessar - Pappys Pub
 2 %    Monsen - The Little Smithy
 2 %    IsakT - Verthusens Smallest Inn
 2 %    Maidhc O Casain - Callums Curiosity
 2 %    roflo1 - The Southern Gatehouse

Most Interesting Floorplan

24 %    AleD - The Blue Rose Tavern
20 %    Quenten - Bowmans General Store
11 %    Wyvern - Cloven House
 9 %    Loopysue - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office
 9 %    IsakT - Verthusens Smallest Inn
 7 %    Jeff B - Jenin River Whiskey Distillery
 7 %    Shessar - Pappys Pub
 4 %    aresnico13 - Johnny Carps Shack
 4 %    Daniel Pereda De Pablo - The Arena
 4 %    Maidhc O Casain - Callums Curiosity
 2 %    roflo1 - The Southern Gatehouse
 0 %    Monsen - The Little Smithy


Monsen - The Little Smithy
Jeff B - Jenin River Whiskey Distillery
AleD - The Blue Rose Tavern
Loopysue - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office
Wyvern - Cloven House
IsakT - Verthusens Smallest Inn
Maidhc O Casain - Callums Curiosity
Daniel Pereda De Pablo - The Arena
Shessar - Pappys Pub
aresnico13 - Johnny Carps Shack
Quenten - Bowmans General Store
roflo1 - The Southern Gatehouseg

I'll send PM's to the prize winners.

And while some people will always end up ranking above others, all the maps submitted where great maps. Thank you all for participating, and congratulations to the winners; Quenten and AleD.

Note the following:

  • Some people (like me and PF employees) are not eligible for the prizes, in these cases, it will simply go to the next person on the list.
  • Only one prize per person, if the same person wins multiple prizes, following prizes will go to the next person on the list.
  • If you don't want your prize, you can either accept it and just give it to someone else on your own discretion, or you can decline it and let it pass to the next person on the list.

Maidhc O CasainRalfLoopysueJimPWyvernAleDShessarDaniel Pereda De Pabloarsenico13EukalyptusNow


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