[WIP] August Competition - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited August 2022

    Ok - this is how I see it... (and I suspect different countries have different kinds of town hall, but this is how it is in the UK)

    A town hall is a meeting place... all the ones I've ever been to have been anyway. The basement is a sewer - shown on the main city map, so the tax can't be stored there. Taxes are in any case paid to the bank, not the tax office. The tax office keeps the records and sends out officers to sort out the people who aren't paying their taxes.

    The ground floor is the 'hall' bit of the town hall. The first floor will be partly open in the middle, because most town halls I've been too are at least 2 storeys high inside. The second floor will be where all the records are kept. There are two towers on this building. One is for the Mayor, and the other is for... I'll let people make up their own minds about the other one, but the Mayor likes black and was once a knight.

    The front wings of the building are where the offices are on all levels, except the bottom left one, which is the guard room. Interestingly, the trap door to the sewer basement where all the secret treasure is stashed is hidden beneath a rug in the guard room.

    [Deleted User]
  • Still confused about the mixture of tables, chairs and pews. Is this supposed to a meeting/debating hall for some type of democratic government or a place where the common people must assemble to receive decrees from above? In either case the seating should be more uniform and closer to the stage so both the audience and the speaker can hear each other better. Also the government trusts the bank? Who makes the deposits, the tax collectors or the tax payers? And who keeps either honest? Does the bank have a separate vault for taxes or is it part of the government? Politics is an important part of a game setting and will greatly affect building design. 
  • edited August 2022

    Not sure I've ever been to a meeting / debate where the uniformity of the seating lasted longer than the first 5 or 10 people arriving - if that long. It just looks well used to me :). I like it!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    This isn't the finished layout, which is slightly more orderly.

    In the UK there will be an announcement in the newspaper about a town meeting to discuss anything there seems to be a lot of contention about, like, for example, plans to build 1000 new homes on the only remaining spot of green in the heart of town. People who are interested will then go along to it if they have time. Most do find time if it's something big like that, but there are many meetings that end up being cancelled because no one is interested enough to go.

    Thanks, Maidhc :)

    Yeah. That tends to happen. Memories...

    I have, maybe unfortunately, tidied the benches away and put more orderly rows of seats, but its the same hall - just after the cleaners have been in.

  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 38 images Surveyor

    They just had a meeting about raising taxes and people got a little upset before they were hauled off so the room is a bit of a mess.

  • You should have stuck with the hall how it looked, Sue. It was perfect, and perfect for a very typical, ordinary day too. I've NEVER been in a neat waiting room in my life - and I've been in a lot of all different sorts, waiting and working!

    As for all the political chat, you can make up whatever you wish, because that's exactly what folks do in RPGs! Game reality is whatever the person running the game says it is, after all!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    The symbols are just symbols anyway. People can move them where they like ;)

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Ok. I've had a bad time with 2 full restarts, so this is the final version of all 5 levels - no fancy stuff - just maps. If anyone wants to adjust it to taste after the competition that's fine by me.

    Enjoy! :)

    [Deleted User]Jeff BWyvernMaidhc O CasainDaltonSpence
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