How do I _actually_ edit a Scale Bar?

Searching the forums I've found the following ineffective suggestions:

1) I've tried Exploding it, and while I can select the text for the scale bar endpoint value after doing so I cannot edit it.

2) I've tried using Numeric Edit, and cannot even select the (unexploded) scale bar.

I know that this flavor of scale bar does support a user-selected endpoint value because I've done it before to a brand-new one (which I am now unable to locate despite an exhaustive search of my symbol libraries; I suspect it got deleted while I was fighting to install an update awhile back). It also seems to have an endpoint value "Attribute Scale" which matches the displayed endpoint value:

+--Sheet: CARTOUCHES ----------------------


|Symbol Reference: color 246 () layer 290 (TEXT (LABELS))

|   line style 0 (Solid) fill style 1 (Solid)

|   line width 0" tag # 1244464 pen :0.000 mm 2nd color 246

|   Name: Scale Bar City f1

|   Low extents: 17'-9 7/8",659'-11 1/8",0"

|   High extents: 125'-5 3/16",691'-3",0"

|   At: 69'-3",676'-9",0"

|   Scale: 1.00000,1.00000,0.00000

|   Rotate XY: 0.00001°

|   Attribute Scale: 100



Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


  • When you say "edit a Scale Bar" do you mean you need to change the number at the end of the bar from what you originally set when you placed the symbol, or do you want to make changes to various elements of the Scale Bar symbol itself beyond this?

    I ask, because if you need to just change the number you typed in, if it was wrong, say, I think the only way to do that is erase the original symbol and add a new one, with the correct number for the length of Bar you need typed in.

    If you want to make more changes to other elements of the Scale Bar symbol, you can go to Symbols -> Symbol Manager... from the drop-down menus, select the Scale Bar symbol from the illustrated list there (assumes you have already used the Scale Bar in your CC3+ drawing, however - if not, do that first!) and then use the Edit button. This asks you to draw a new window on-screen, and when you've done that, the symbol will appear in that and you can edit any part of it, just as you would with any other drawn element in CC3+. Depending on the style, there may be limits to what you can change (you can't edit the look of a bitmap fill style used in the symbol like this, as far as I know, for instance), but it should let you make some changes at least.

    When you're done, click the little "X" box in the top right of the editing window, and you'll be asked if it's OK to keep the changes you made to the symbol. It also has the slightly disturbing note "This is NOT undoable", but this will only change that specific symbol in your current drawing if you save it this way, not in the main symbols catalogue for that style.

    That will change the symbol(s) used in your current drawing to whatever your edited symbol looks like, and any fresh versions of the same symbol you use in it.

    Hope this helps.

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