New user questions

New user who has just purchased CC3 and CD3 for use in creating D&D maps.

One question:
I really like the "Bitmap A" format, but after creating the walls and buildings for my first city, I can't find any vegetation or towers that match the style. What symbol catalog should I be looking in?


  • I don't know if you have DD3 but I use the trees from it's vegetation catalog.
  • One more question - how do people make those nice map legends that I see for CD3? I've read the user tutorial but it didn't mention anything.
  • Which legends are you talking about? Can you give an example?
  • The numerical legends on the side of many of the sample maps (such as the one in the "User Tutorial) that show where things are. I suppose you could just draw a square and put text on it?
  • OK. I have found FCW files in a CC3\EXAMPLES\CD3 folders.
    All the map there look like they use the indexation process described in the CD3 Essentials document (page 23+) that is in the CD3\Documents folder.

    Is that what you mean ?
    Posted By: merlinus12I suppose you could just draw a square and put text on it?
    That's the way I do it usually.
  • What user tutorial are you talking about merlinus12?
  • edited May 2009
    Posted By: GandwarfWhat user tutorial are you talking about merlinus12?
    As far as I know there is only yours, Gandwarf (and all my thanks for it!). Maybe Merlinus12 refers to the city maps you've posted on the forum... or to the example on the PF site where your tutorial is downloadable.

    From the look of it, legend has been added with a picture editor (I seem to remember you mentionned using one). Maybe photoshop ?
  • Yes, I have done all my legends/labeling outside CC3/CD3 with Paint Shop Pro.

    Labeling can be done in CC3/CD3 but the text doesn't always come out great (presumably because there is no anti-aliasing).
  • edited May 2009
    This is shitting me.

    Ok i need to ask a question but i can't even post a section of map to show people my problem.
    Some were in that little spec is my question.
    Please help so i can point out the problem and ask my next question.
  • Hi olddragon.

    that's a nice map. What's the trouble ? The green flake or the scale ?

    BTW you might have created a new discussion... It's not realy related to above...
  • edited May 2009
    Please don't edit your comment but add new or my feeble mind won't be able to follow.

    Now if you only want to work on the drawn part, hide MAP BORDER, BACKGROUND and TEMPLATE layers.

    What is bugging you might be the points at 0,0 from the template LAYER. They are there to ensure usual sheets are created on the map.

    Now if it's the whole extend of you map, you might consider scaling either border, background and template or your map (the latter will change the units though...)
  • edited May 2009
    ok i think i worked out how to do what i wanted to do, now for the next question.

    Behind that little green dot is a road, town and a castle. I want to send that little green dot to the back of those items bit the tools to do it, SEND BEHIND or SEND TO BACK wont do it for me. Could you please tell me how to do it.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Send to back should work nicely. I just used it on the green dot, and the items you described appears. Just make sure to use "send to back" and not "send behind" in this case, to make sure it gets moved below all the items.

    However, I noticed all those symbols, including the green dot was all on the "RIVERS" sheet. A much better option is to place stuff on the appropriate sheet, as the sheet drawing order make sure that everything ends up correctly above/below stuff if placed on an appropriate sheet.
    In this case, if you move the green spot to the "Land Features" sheet in your drawing, and then do a redraw, you'll see that it will instantly move below the other symbols. The rest of them, the road and buildings should be moved to the ROADS and SYMBOLS sheet respectively as well.
  • The tempp2.FCW is just a copy if u look at tempppppppp.FCW above you will notice that everything should be on its sheet. As for sending stuff to the back it just dosen't work on my copy of CC. It must be corrupted. Has anyone ells en counted problems like that??
  • Yep my bring to front buttons are bugged any suggestions??
  • O i just had a bad thought I'm running Vista 64 is this program supposed to be able to run on a 64 bit system??
  • An up date on my problem.

    Ive named a sheet farms. This is the sheet that i can't send to the back of the rivers, towns and roads sheet. is there an area that you have to edit the sheet preferences to allow it to be manipulated and sent to the back of other sheets?
  • Nope it seems to be a fault with Bring to Front and the Send to Back functions:(((((
  • Bring to Front and Send to Back only work on a given sheet.
    In the sheet manager, the last sheet is always over all other sheet, ie the more you go down in sheet listing, the less hidden it is.
    Thus to put a sheet under another, you must move it UP in the sheet manager. Any sheet excepted common can be moved.
    Be sure to use sheets and not layers, eh?
    As Monsen said, almost all you entities are located on the RIVERS sheet but are assigned to the right layers. Layers organisation has no graphic consequence (except if you hide them).
  • Thanks ill try moving the sheet listing
    and the sheets are spread over a large listing its just that i did a copy of my map to a better (I thought ) View:)
  • Thanks Joachim and Monsen it worked:)
  • edited May 2009
    Posted By: olddragonsheets are spread over a large listing
    Are you sure you need such a wide choice ?

    I usually use different sheets to clarify and assign different effects.

    For example, I would not put farms on a different sheet than other buildings unless I need it at creation level. Even then, I'll clear that by putting everything on the same sheet afterwards.

    What you could do is create a TEMP sheet to work on and move everything once each step is done.
    ie put farms on the TEMP and move then on the SYMBOLS,BUILDINGS once you're happy with the farms.

    I hope I'm clear enough...
  • Ok ive had another problem I've got this error message

    "ChkData DAV has no pending DRQ"


    Can anyone help please?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Indicates that there was a problem restoring the your preferred selection mode (presumably after a macro had changed it to something else temporarily).
    If you find that your selection mode is now completely off (for example if you cannot select individual items for commands any more), then just type SELBYD on the command line (Make sure you are not in the middle of a command), then hit enter to set the selection mode to normal. (Also settable through Tools -> Options -> Select Method -> Dialog or popup

    For more troubleshooting, we'll need to know what you were doing to cause this error to pop up.
  • edited May 2009
    Ow well im afraid i dont know what i did to stuff up this map so ill just have to start over again:((

    And for the experts cant u please activate the sheets and effects to see if ive done it right??
  • edited May 2009
    It's nice, however mountains don't blur nicely in the map because they are on the land sheet and not the symbols sheet.
    On the symbols sheet, you have a blur and a transparency effect.
    Either you move the mountains on the symbols sheet (hide all LAYERS (not sheet) except mineral/moutains to better select them) or you apply said effects on the land sheet if you have nothing else than the mountains on that sheet).

    Edit : I see that the effects have disappeared from your symbols sheet...
    You can open another CC3 instance, create a new map based on the Pete Fenlon style and note the effects applied to recreate them.
  • The problem with this sheet is that if i try and put in trees using the Default Terrain tool I get the error message that i mentioned above:(
  • Move the trees to the sheet afterwards...
  • Hehe that totally defeats the purpose of being able to go click click instant forest, that was the main reason for buying the product in the first place. I have cc2, if i wonted to spend all day tediously drawing in trees all day i can use that instead of buying the new program.:)
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    There is a simple workaround: Show the sheet SYMBOLS before you use the forest drawing tool. The error will not appear. Basically, the macro behind it tries to move the just drawn symbols to the layer VEGETATION, but since they are on the hidden sheet, it can't find them.

    Alternatively, if you want all the tree symbols to go on your own "Tree" sheet, you can do the following: Open Symbols > Symbol Manager, select all the tree symbols (use shift-click to select more than one), click "Options", and change the sheet name they go on from SYMBOLS* to TREES*. Voila, using the default drawing tool will place all of them on your custom sheet.

    Hope that helps.
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