New to CC3, have a few questions

Hello all,

I recently purchased Campaign Cartographer 3. The program is quite powerful but not so easy to use and the manual is not by any means complete.

Anyways, here comes the questions:

1. If I want to make a local area map from a larger continent map. In essence, "extract" the portion of the map I want and then make a new map with that portion of the map.

2. I had borders on a map I am working on, but now the borders are gone. How do I add them back in again?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. There is an article in the map maker's cheat regarding this. Log in to your Registration Page, you should find the link to the Map Maker's Chest there.

    2. Did you hide any sheets or layers? The Map Borders are located on the MAP BORDER layer and MAP BORDER sheet. If any of these are hidden, the border won't be shown.
  • Thanks for the answers.

    1. That guide is for CC2. I tried all those steps and it simply does not work the same way in CC3. At least I am not getting the same test in the command line for example. Also, mor importantly, nothing happens :)

    2. Nothing is hidden. The borders are just gone. Is there any way to add them back in again?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2009
    1. Yea, it is for CC2, but most commands should behave identically. The basic premise for doing this is basically just make a new copy of the map (Or copy the relevant entities over to a new map), and then use the trim/cut commands in the bottom section of the left toolbars to get rid of lines and objects extending beyond the new map border. Then finally using fractalize on the lines to add details as appropriate for a map covering a smaller area.

    2. The map borders are just regular polygons, so you can just draw new ones. Alternatively, you can use the Draw -> Insert File... menu choice and use it to insert one of the existing templates into the drawing. You will then need to delete any background image and scalebars/compass roses present in that template.
    The templates should be hanging out in the Templates subdirectory in the main CC3 subdirectory. (Edit: The Insert file command seems to not like to insert *.fct files [template files], so you will need to copy the desired template somewhere else, then just rename it to .fcw [CC3 map file] instead.
  • 1. Hmm I see now my problem, I exported this from Fractal Terrains, and it was exported without a map border. So I guess again a map border problem. The guide seems to be working, but does it have to be som terribly compliacted, I mean 80 steps and 19 pages of instructions to extract part of a regional map to a local map is just ridicilous. There must (or at least should) be a easier way.
  • 2. I get a program error when I try to do that (adding a file through the Draw menu). Tried it 3 times now and it happens every time. I use Vista 64 bit, and maybe that is the problem.
  • 1. I am sorry, maybe I am not clever enough. I cannot even copy things from a zoomed in window. I zoom in to the size I want my extraction to be, then I choose copy from the edit menu. After that I select all the entities I want to copy and then right click and select Do It. When I then open a new map to paste my copied stuff in to, I do not get anything. Nothing has been copied from the regoinal map.
  • pvernonpvernon Betatester 🖼️ 35 images Surveyor
    If I remember correctly when you export a map from FT you need to ungroup all of the objects in the map.
  • Posted By: mibswedenthen right click and select Do It
    Yes. After that you must select an origin point before going to the new map.
    CLIPCOPY, select enties, select origin (0,0) by default then go to the new map and Ctrl-V, select insertion point corresponding to the origin point.
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