A big thank you to ProFantasy

I have been creating maps for my D&D campaign for thirty years. Over the years I have tried to maintain a certain continuity. To be honest I'm a little OCD. I stared off hand drawing the maps and still have a large folder full of cities. For a while I settled on Dundjinni for cities and CC2 (then CC3) for my continental scale map. I never really found a piece of software or a style for making mid-scale regional maps.

That was until late last year when I tried CC3 again. I have spent hours converting old maps and for the first time ever I now have a collection of styles for going from the continental all the way down to the city scale.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to the ProFantasy team from a very happy customer, and one that will probably spend the next ten years converting old maps!

Hand drawn city map (circa 1990)

Dundjinni city map (circa 2005)

CC2 continental map (circa 2005)

New CC3 continental map

New subcontinental 1000 mile map

New regional map

New city map



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