2 duplicate questions from the Yahoo list

Hello, All,

I am contemplating buying several packages. Please excuse the "new" questions-- I have perused the site samples and just wanted to confirm two things:

(1) As near as I can make out form the website, if I buy CC3, it will be backward-compatible with all previous CC2 map publications and products? Is that correct?

(2) If I buy the fractal mapper and all of the packages right from "world scale" down to "city scale", would I be able to make a series of "linked" maps that would let me "zoom" from continental level down through countries, regions, cities and down to a street and its associated buildings, and the finally into my floor plans? In other words, I'd like to be able to click on a "hotspot" on a continent, zoom in, and continue the process down to floorplan level. Can this be done?

Thanks in advance for the advice. Before I lay out hundreds for packages, I wanted to be sure that the modules could interface to produce the desired effects.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited May 2009
    (1) Basically yes. CC3 reads all CC2 maps just fine, and all old CC2 addons have been upgraded to work with CC3. Old 3rd-party addons might not work properly with CC3 though, depending on exactly how they do things.

    (2) Fractal Mapper is a product made by ProFantasy's competitor, so I don't know about that, but with CC3 you can create hotspots to link your maps. And all addons integrate into CC3, so there is nothing preventing you from linking an overland map to a city map to a dungeon map and so on. You can make a whole hotlinked atlas this way, containing maps of all types. See the forgotten realms atlas or any of ProFantasy's source maps products to see how hyperlinking can be used.
  • First, thanks for the prompt reply. I must have mis-spoken, regarding the 2nd question; I thought that CC3 had a fractal-based planetary editor, too.

    However, if it has the planetary-to-street level "zoom" capability (via links), then it should be right for my purpose.

    Now I just have to decide which package...


  • Ah, yes, found it-- Fractal Terrains. I had the name incorrect in my question.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Ah. Of course. I should have figured. I was thinking the wrong way.

    Anyway, Fractal Terrains is a seperate beast, and not an addon for CC3. So you won't be able to make FT planetary maps with hotspots pointing to CC3 maps. You can export an FT map to CC2 format however (Which is usable in CC3), and use that as your planetary map (with hotspots and all the other CC3 features). The exported CC2 map will be a flat map though, so you won't get the nice rotating globe FT has.
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