I'm really happy with the new Wetabou style. It closely matches a style I have used for hand drawn and Dunjinni city maps in the past. This map is based on a Wetabou import:
A bit out of the loop here, but I have a question on general interpretation of these wonderful maps. Are those brown blocks to be considered as big building, or city blocks? In Brandon and Tilnor, they could be individual buildings, but that's definitely not the case with Denovar and Ravarn, right? What do the original maps look like?
<blockquote><cite>Posted By: seycyrus</cite>A bit out of the loop here, but I have a question on general interpretation of these wonderful maps. Are those brown blocks to be considered as big building, or city blocks? In Brandon and Tilnor, they could be individual buildings, but that's definitely not the case with Denovar and Ravarn, right? What do the original maps look like?</blockquote>
You are correct. Brandon and Tilnor (both from Wetabou exports are buildings. I started to draw individual buildings on the Ravarn map but that was taking too long. The original maps were blocks, with significant buildings drawn individually so I tried that for Ravarn and Dennovar. I’m still experimenting.. need to crack cliffs and sandy beaches next.
Can't speak for Enderrin naturally, but the cliff-lines look like they're fully hand-drawn, just as they're done for mountains in the Fantasy Realms style from CA26.
I’m replying from my phone. I will try and put together a visual guide later on.
I created a polygon tool and sheer to draw in the cliffs.
Then created a line tool and sheet to manually draw in the vertical cliff lines (trust me I spent hours trying to find another way.
Then I created another polygon tool and sheet to create small triangles at the base of the cliff between the lines.
Then I applied some effects to each of the sheets to blur the triangles to look like shading.
It takes a while if you have a large area but looks pretty good.
You write your comment and add the first image. Then you edit it and add the second image. Then edit it again and add the third image, and so on.
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but you can position the images within the text using this:
Where the zeros represent the number of the image the server has given it. You will find that just above the attachments box when you edit the comment. Its a bit awkward because you have to edit the comment to find out what the number is to be able to use [Image_000000]
Make sure you have the Html radio button selected at the bottom of the comment box if you do it this way.
I use some of the fills from the Mike Schley Cities SS5 packs so you will need that installed or similar light rock coloured fill.
Create new Sheet (under WATER/RIVERS) called CLIFFFACE Create an effect for Cliffface / Inner Glow / R0 G0 B0 Brightness 75% Blur Size 5 units Map Units Create new Sheet (under CLIFFFACE) called CLIFFLINES Create an effect for Clifflines / Blur / Blur Radius 1 units Map Units Create new Sheet (under CLIFFLINES) called CLIFFSHADING Create and effect for Cliffshading / Blur / Blur Radius 20 units Map Units
Create the Terrain Stone Default Fill: Tools / Set Properties / Fill Style / Bitmap Files / Terrain Stone Default
Then create the four drawing tools: Draw / Custom Drawing Tools / Advanced / New
.... Now you can start drawing the cliffs with the drawing tools you created. The following steps correspond to the images below.
1. Create your map, import the Wetabou import and follow the guide with the annual. I use a sand coloured background fill for my coastal maps. [Image_13813]
2. Draw Cliff Face polygon along the coast. [Image_13814]
3. Draw the Cliff Edge along the top of the cliff. [Image_13815]
4. Draw the vertical Cliff Lines. Don't be to worried about being precise and leave plenty of gaps. [Image_13816]
5. Draw triangles at the base of the cliff between the cliff lines using the Cliff Shading drawing tool. [Image_13817]
6. Enable effects. [Image_13818]
7. Optional if you started with a sandy coloured background fill. Set your Sheet to BACKGROUND (CITY) and add the inland terrain type, Grass in the example below. [IMage_13819]
Lovely maps, Enderrin
You are correct. Brandon and Tilnor (both from Wetabou exports are buildings. I started to draw individual buildings on the Ravarn map but that was taking too long. The original maps were blocks, with significant buildings drawn individually so I tried that for Ravarn and Dennovar. I’m still experimenting.. need to crack cliffs and sandy beaches next.
How did you do the cliffs?
Like Sue, I'm curious how you did the cliffs. Surely you didn't draw all of those little lines by hand...did you??! And the shading on the cliffs?
I created a polygon tool and sheer to draw in the cliffs.
Then created a line tool and sheet to manually draw in the vertical cliff lines (trust me I spent hours trying to find another way.
Then I created another polygon tool and sheet to create small triangles at the base of the cliff between the lines.
Then I applied some effects to each of the sheets to blur the triangles to look like shading.
It takes a while if you have a large area but looks pretty good.
You write your comment and add the first image. Then you edit it and add the second image. Then edit it again and add the third image, and so on.
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but you can position the images within the text using this:
Where the zeros represent the number of the image the server has given it. You will find that just above the attachments box when you edit the comment. Its a bit awkward because you have to edit the comment to find out what the number is to be able to use [Image_000000]
Make sure you have the Html radio button selected at the bottom of the comment box if you do it this way.
Remy beat me to it this time ;)
I use some of the fills from the Mike Schley Cities SS5 packs so you will need that installed or similar light rock coloured fill.
Create new Sheet (under WATER/RIVERS) called CLIFFFACE
Create an effect for Cliffface / Inner Glow / R0 G0 B0 Brightness 75% Blur Size 5 units Map Units
Create new Sheet (under CLIFFFACE) called CLIFFLINES
Create an effect for Clifflines / Blur / Blur Radius 1 units Map Units
Create new Sheet (under CLIFFLINES) called CLIFFSHADING
Create and effect for Cliffshading / Blur / Blur Radius 20 units Map Units
Create the Terrain Stone Default Fill: Tools / Set Properties / Fill Style / Bitmap Files / Terrain Stone Default
Then create the four drawing tools: Draw / Custom Drawing Tools / Advanced / New
1. Create your map, import the Wetabou import and follow the guide with the annual. I use a sand coloured background fill for my coastal maps.
2. Draw Cliff Face polygon along the coast.
3. Draw the Cliff Edge along the top of the cliff.
4. Draw the vertical Cliff Lines. Don't be to worried about being precise and leave plenty of gaps.
5. Draw triangles at the base of the cliff between the cliff lines using the Cliff Shading drawing tool.
6. Enable effects.
7. Optional if you started with a sandy coloured background fill. Set your Sheet to BACKGROUND (CITY) and add the inland terrain type, Grass in the example below.
Thank you very much for sharing :D
Yes - easy to understand too :)
City Walls
City Blocks
Docks & Contours
Forest, Buildings, Paths
Fields, Labels, Compass
Then a few finishing touches - a few more farms and more elevation contours
Lovely to see you having so much fun with this, Enderrin