There's a bit of a way to go with this yet, Medio, and if you've been watching what I've done on previous projects you'll realise that things can change quite drastically between the start and the end of a project, but thank you
Posted By: LoopysueThere's a bit of a way to go with this yet, Medio, and if you've been watching what I've done on previous projects you'll realise that things can change quite drastically between the start and the end of a project, but thank you
I know but your work has left an unadequate state of reputation for you which will force you to bring awesomeness
There should be a way to digitize you and just have you sit ready in my computer whenever I need new artwork. Imagine just having an unending stream of Suework at your fingertips,
When I worked for a game company, we had this game called Witchhaven. My officemate was a striking good looking tall women with long, long black hair. We put her into the 3D scanner and she became the main villen in the game.... Be careful.
If it were me, your villain would have to be a middle aged woman with glasses, green eyes, long chestnut hair with definite streaks of silver from the temples and fringe.
oh my goodness, sue i have just caught these. sorry, i've been so busy with this virus, being a nurse in real life (although lately i've been wishing it's 1350 and i was only just a cartographer - and this way i could hide away like the rest of you lucky non-essentials. Although i AM grateful i am still getting a paycheck so there's that...). But enough about me and coronavirus....holy cow! These are absolutely, brilliantly gorgeous!!! Ahhhhh i just LOVE them and will now wait salivating until i can get my hands on them. I will seriously replace EVERY tree on my homebrew world map with those scrumptious trees! Hot damn, you are fantastic. What. When. Is there an annual on the way? When, when, when?
No definite plans yet, but this is only a very tiny fraction of the work. Think of all the things you might expect to see in a decent overland set and you will see its only the tip of the iceberg.
Plodding on, though.
Good luck with C19. I am shopping for 2 vulnerable households besides my own. Online ordering is affected by panic buying 4-7 days after the day the order was made, so you only get half the stuff you ordered - hence people like me have to risk it and physically go get the rest for them. I just hope that there are enough of us doing this to feed the elderly and sick, and that none of us fall ill and infect our respective charges.
Loopy, These are wonderful!
Ignore me - it's all brilliant stuff, Sue!
You can make them smaller if you like
Thanks for all your lovely comments everyone
Awesome work! Just gorgeous.
There should be a way to digitize you and just have you sit ready in my computer whenever I need new artwork. Imagine just having an unending stream of Suework at your fingertips,
Thank you so much, Remy... I think! [Looks over shoulder to make sure there's no one creeping up with a massive scanning device]
No definite plans yet, but this is only a very tiny fraction of the work. Think of all the things you might expect to see in a decent overland set and you will see its only the tip of the iceberg.
Plodding on, though.
Good luck with C19. I am shopping for 2 vulnerable households besides my own. Online ordering is affected by panic buying 4-7 days after the day the order was made, so you only get half the stuff you ordered - hence people like me have to risk it and physically go get the rest for them. I just hope that there are enough of us doing this to feed the elderly and sick, and that none of us fall ill and infect our respective charges.