There are many possible reasons why the DWG file might load. The most likely reason is that some entities are too complex or of an unsupported type. How are you generating your DWG file?
I trace a real Aegean Area (you know the islands OMG) in Illustrator, exported to DWG and DXF; there are two or three occasions CC3+ can load the dwg file well, but once edited in CC3+, it crashes; other occassions CC3+ crashes before edit made. And I also used Autocad for export, same happens. I tried to load a simple dwg file exported by Illustrator, CC3+ works well. So I think maybe my map just is too complex. But try to use CC3+ to trace real world map is a nightmare for me........
Try and Err. Now I broke the above ai file into different sections and finally found the target section that has problem. This is the section that after open by CC3+ and crashed.