taking a google map or satellite map into CC3
Can anyone help me understand the steps that I need to take a satellite image map from Google maps into CC3? I have a project I am working on that involves taking the existing area I am in and revamping it into a fantasy map, and if I don't have to build from scratch would be the optimal. Please Help
There isn't any good way to convert this to a proper CC3+ format though, you'll still need to do all the drawing work yourself, but by keeping the image in CC3+ while you work, it is easier to trace features and getting things right.
For simpler images, you could use automatic tracing to convert things to CC3+ entities, but a satellite map is too busy and full of details, that I doubt that will work really well. In any case, this is primarily used to get the landmasses imported correctly, not all the details on the map.