Properly saving and then opening a map

Hiya. Totally newbish here, but I downloaded the software. got it up and running, saved a map I worked on for a while (or so I thought) and then the next day found that I couldn't open the files. Initially there were for different documents for the one map I made (I found them in my documents files) but they came up blank. So I lost all my work,, apparently. Now it would seem, these documents are now trying to open themselves in Adobe Acrobat!!!! All I want to do is to be able to make a map, save it, and then opening it again. HELP! lol
My operating system is WIndows 10. I was able to open up my "invisible" program file, and took a look at the files there but I found no maps I could open. So. i'm a bit confused as to what to do. Thanx!


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