Planet Nibirum goes November Annual 2019 - from FT3 to CC3+

When you import the world.ftw file from Community Atlas Project you get something like this in Fractal Terrain 3 (FT3):


When you follow the excellent guide from this November Annual and use one of colouring exempels, you get something like this:


After exporting the map to CC3+ you can get almost whatever version you want (thanks to the new PALSAVE and PALLOAD functions...)

Here are the versions when you use the shader-sets of the Annual:

Let's start with the so called HC Blend shader (that I also used in FT3):


Keep in mind that this picture is a CC3+ export - a map that only consists of coloured polygons (except the rivers of course).

This is also true for the following versions:

Here comes the "Natural" version:


Then we have the Atlas version:


...and here the "Old map" version:


So long the maps have almost the same "map"- feeling - maps that one usually can find in books or the Internet presenting the topography of the world.

Now we get to the special ones:

Desert (when it has gotten to hot on Nibirum...):


Arctic (when it has gotten to cold...):


Parchment dark - maybe a map that you use when you sail the seven seas...

or Parchment light:

or why not get Vulcanic?


And here are two close-ups of the continent Berenur to show that the maps consist of contours (and river lines):



I must commit that I did not follow the part of the almost painful colouring of all contours in the guide.
I created instead an export file where I had to do the painful "colouring" of the alt- and sea- contours once.

And with the shaders from the Terraformer-Package for FT3 you get over 200 different possibilities to get your contours coloured...
...with some tricky conversion from LTG - files (FT3) to PAL - files (CC3+)

Maybe astronomers get excited with the CLEMENTINE colouring:


or the MAGELLAN colouring:



But in the end we end up with a topographical version again :)

This is by the way the adaption of the T_129_TOPO_060 shader from Terraformer...converted to a CC3+ colour palette...

All maps use only 16 colours for the sea and 32 for the altitudes!


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