Fractal Terrain Export to CC3+ settings
I am working through Sue's great tutorial and have run into a slight problem. She includes a number of export settings in her annual article but I have no clue to get those into fractal terrain 3 so I can export it to cc3plus as shown in the tutorial. Thanks in advance once again.
The settings are included with the annual in case people who don't have FT3 right now end up getting it long after they installed the annual.
If you already had FT3 installed when you installed the annual those settings will have been automatically installed and you should see them in the list of options when you export your CC3 file.
If they aren't there you could try reinstalling the annual (take care to save any personal work you have already done in another folder first)
If that doesn't work you can copy the settings from the FT3 Export Settings folder and paste them in the Coloring folder here:
@Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\FT3\Coloring
Your system will probably tell you that you need administrator rights, or something along that line (mine does every single time I try to edit a colour scheme in notepad), but just confirm that this is what you want to do and they should paste ok.
The settings should be available to you once you save, close and reopen FT3.
Enjoy your mapping!
I went back, uninstalled the annual, then reinstalled it. I had installed FT3 and CCA155 in the wrong order. All the correct settings then appeared, including colours and export settings. I exported, as usual, saving with an .fcw. When I tried to open it in CC3+ I only get a blank map. When I export using one of the resident FT3, contours 1000 or something like that, and then open it in CC3+ it seems to work fine. If you could please help me through this as it is getting quite discouraging. I may end up just going back through the whole tutorial again to see, but if you could think of something quick and easy that would be wonderful. Thanks again, Rob
If you still have nothing there at all the usual cause of a blank CC3 export is a resolution setting that is too high for the detail of the export. FT3 seems to give up if there are too many nodes to sort out, and all you get is white space all over.
When you save as CC3 file, pick the export setting you want, then instead of clicking Export, click Edit. Ok and Next your way to the third and final editing box, where you will see a slider that controls the resolution of the export. I had to reduce the resolution from maximum down to 768 to try and make sure that nobody got this issue, but it seems I may have been a little optimistic in your case. Move that slider down one notch and try again.
Let me know if neither of these things work.
I wouldn't waste all that time going through the whole process again, Rob, try creating another new file and reimporting the MDR again first. If it works it will save you all that time.
I meant zoom extents in CC3, not FT3. When you open the export file in CC3, hit the zoom extents in CC3.
I am assuming here that since no one else has had a problem with the export settings, the ones in the installed annual folder are all ok before they are ever used.
This is very unlikely if it managed to install, but there is a tiny chance that the downloaded annual might have some kind of flaw. If you have enough broadband allowance it might be as well to re-download the annual, and to also check that you have the most recent FT3 update.
If none of this works we might have to work out a way of looking at the FT3 file you made, though this will be slightly tricky since it is probably at least 50MB.
I had to admit I was getting a bit worried that I might have forgotten to do something, or say something, and that you were just the first to trip over it.
Cheers for now...late here in Eastern Canada and work comes early.
I said the Coloring folder twice, but it should have been the Export folder! (the same address other than that last folder name)
I am so sorry, Rob. I made a mistake and then I even copied it and made it twice.
EDIT: well I appear to be having a few glitches with my broadband, since your comment wasn't visible when I started this one!
I'm not a developer - only a contributor
I hope you manage to get it done without any further issues, but don't hesitate to ask if you get stuck again. I will do my best not to lead you astray a second time around
I have many relatives still in the UK...mostly up in Northumberland. My Granddad was from there and they emigrated to Canada in 1905 or thereabouts. He was a veteran of the first great war and as we are coming up to remembrance day, it is a time I cherish to remember him and the freedom he helped bring. He was wounded but survived, and so part of my world-building will eventually encompass his theatre of battle in France and Belgium with appropriate labels, landmarks, etc.
Cheers for now and I will keep you posted on my progress.