Random streets in Cities of Schley
Hi everyone. I have looked around but can't really find and answer to this. Is there anyway to resize the houses (in my case make them smaller) while using the "random street" tool in Cities of Schley? I would like to know if there is a similar command as using CTRL while placing a regular symbol. Thanks in advance.
If you right click the Street command button you can adjust the settings in the panel that opens.
If you have already placed a House, you can scale it the same way you scale anything else, using the scale tool.
You can move anything around using the move tool. If you want to move individual nodes to change the shape you can use the node edit tool, and if you want to move anything to a different sheet you can use the change properties tool and set the right sheet in the sheet dropdown box in the dialog that appears.
I know there is another way to edit landmasses, but I've never used it and forgotten the technique. Maybe one of the others can help here?