Homebrew D&D 5e Game
Hello all!
I just found this category and I think it would make an awesome thread for ongoing content that I'm creating. I'm making a homebrew game for D&D 5e and I'm using CC3+ to make the maps. I'm not an artist and never used an auto-cad program before so this is 100% new to me. It has it's issues, but without it I would have never been able to create my world.
Here's the first look at Albion, enjoy!
I just found this category and I think it would make an awesome thread for ongoing content that I'm creating. I'm making a homebrew game for D&D 5e and I'm using CC3+ to make the maps. I'm not an artist and never used an auto-cad program before so this is 100% new to me. It has it's issues, but without it I would have never been able to create my world.
Here's the first look at Albion, enjoy!
Can I make a request?
Following links to larger maps is nice, but sometimes it is also nice to have a smaller version right here to look at when composing a response comment. You can't upload large images here, but please can you also upload a smaller version for us to look at without leaving the page?
Now I can see what I'm talking about, while I'm talking about it
You say you have no artistic ability, but I wouldn't say that was true. There are some interesting shapes here, and I really like the first of these two 'halves'
You can export your map at different sizes direct from CC3. When you Save as... select your bitmap format and then click the Options button. That will open up a new dialog that will let you set the size of the export to whatever you like.
1024 px wide might sound quite small, but you would be surprised how much detail is quite clear at that size if you use a reasonable amount of antialiasing (see the Options box for that). Give it a try and see.
I found a setup that works for me as far as exporting. I don't go any lower than 4K when exporting otherwise the map gets too blurry. Then I put it in GIMP and cut out what I need or resize and scale it and i'm good to go.
I made a lower res version in JPG instead of PNG. Doesn't look bad, but definitely missing the detail.
I think I've just noticed something that I subconsciously registered the first time I saw your map, but which I couldn't put my finger on. Be careful to keep your trees all the same scale as you work on a single map. Mountains don't matter so much if they are fractionally larger or smaller than they should be, but trees show differences in scale very easily. Apart from that a really great first map
Even if you have set your default scale, it is still very easy to accidentally adjust the scale by holding down the CTRL key a moment longer than the SHIFT key when rotating a symbol. I am always very careful these days to lift my finger off the CTRL key before the SHIFT key, or to make sure the mouse is dead still before I release CTRL+SHIFT.
My bad.