Creating a floor to a pre drawn wall shape

I have created a wall shape which I want to fill with a floor. The shape is not regular so I cant just draw a floor in the usual way. Is ther a way to create a floor shape from a wall?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2019
    Hi lenworth :)

    Two methods here for consideration:

    1. Make sure the Floor sheet is active and hide all but the floors and wall sheets.

    2. Turn on ATTACH (a button on the bottom right), and turn OFF SNAP.

    3. Draw the floor by drawing a polygon on the floors sheet, clicking as close as possible to each of the nodes in the wall shape. The new floor nodes will align with the walls because ATTACH is turned on.

    4. Don't forget to turn ATTACH off when you are finished.

    Or, if that would take too long,

    1. Hide all but the walls sheet.

    2. Right click the hourglass button on the left and pick Copy to Sheet.

    3. Copy the walls to the floor sheet and hide the walls sheet so you only have the lines on the floor sheet visible

    EDIT: 3b. Change the properties of the copied walls using the change properties tool, so that they have a line width of 0.

    4. Either use a drawing tool to trace the walls to make your new floor, or turn the copied wall lines into paths (right click the fractalize tool and pick Line to Path), combine them (under the right click menu for fractalize) and then use Path to Polygon from the very same right click menu.

    5. Use change properties to make the new polygon the right texture.
  • Thank you for your help. In option 2, when I copy to wall shape to the floor sheet and then hide all but the floor sheet, the wall shape is not visible on the floor sheet.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    What if you make the background sheet also visible? Can you see it then?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2019
    Oh silly me!

    I forgot to say that you would have to change the properties of the copied walls so that they had a line width of 0, instead of whatever line width they currently have to be expressed as walls. You would need to do that for the second method before you do anything else - once you have found them.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Another thing that might have happened is that if you used CTRL+C to copy instead of the right click menu 'Copy to sheet' from the Hourglass button, the walls will have been pasted on the walls sheet again, and not the floor sheet.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    If you could share your FCW I might be able to see what has happened.

    You can whisper it to me if you prefer.
  • Would you mind posting a picture of what you are discussing? I find it hard to visualize.
  • Loopysue gave me a link to the tutorial I was looking for and if solved my problem. Thanks.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2019
    Sorry seycyrus - we got stuck in whisper mode when Lenworth decided to whisper the FCW to me.

    Lenworth was following the oldest Joe Sweeney videos on dungeon mapping, but was missing the very last part of that series. I think there are 9 parts including the advanced stages, but only 8 of these follow on from one another easily.

    Instead of completing the exercise myself I decided it was better to give lenworth the opportunity to complete it - to complete the learning process, so I gave the link to it.

    I also gave the link to Joe Sweeney's page on YouTube, for access to the rest of his tutorials - as lenworth has already mentioned.
  • Thanks for the replies. For some reason when i first read thread i thought you were discussing something really exotic. Upon rereading it, I'm not sure why I thought that :)

    Maybe because I had just watched the new cliffs video...?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Yes, that video is pretty unusual. It certainly sparked off a whole lot of new thinking in MY head! And I watched the style develop over on the FG Group page too!
  • Thank you both for your help. What is the cliffs video?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    edited August 2019
    You're welcome :)

    This is the video we mentioned. It's a new technique for making cliffs developed by Hans Anders Bergstrom. He has developed his own new style that is reminiscent of watercolour. This is just part of that technique.

    If it blows you away just a bit, don't worry. It blew me away and I've been using this software for over 3 years now ;)
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