Computer freezes and Autosave doesn't!
🖼️ 10 images Surveyor
I'm doing a floorplan on Win10 HP laptop and the computer keeps freezing. No probs you might say, but AutoSave isn't saving before the locking out occurs. When I persuade the laptop to behave and reopen, I see the point at which Autosave or I had saved it last. Then I open the Autosave and it is often further back in time, which produces expletives galore before I rework what I had done before everything fouled up on me.
Had Autosave set to every 2mins, but thanks to Monson's instructions here ( it's set at every minute, but is there any way of Autosave saving *as you work* rather than every time the computer idles?
Had Autosave set to every 2mins, but thanks to Monson's instructions here ( it's set at every minute, but is there any way of Autosave saving *as you work* rather than every time the computer idles?
While this is a workaround more than really fixing anything, I do recommend getting into the habit of hitting Ctrl+S often though, to manually save the map. For me, this is so ingrained in my workflow, that I even keep doing it in software that doesn't require it (like onenote or google docs). I usually find myself unconsciously hitting the combination several times a minute.
Computers will do things we don't expect at apparently random intervals. So I try to deal with that as best I can.