Need help with a region standard.

In the 2nd edition D&D game my husband is running, We've come across a 'town' called Ravenscar, which right now is little more than a village, with a keep, a blacksmith, a thieves guild and some surrounding farms. This region is run by a retired thief, who essentially bought the walled up keep. He set up a thieves guild there, to pass on his skills to the next band of thieves. Eventually people started moving into the area, until it became a community, of sorts.

Our adventuring party came across this 'town' and met it's leader. While we were there, one of the surrounding farms was broken into and items were stolen. This robbery wasn't sanctioned by the guild, so we were asked to investigate. Long story, short version: We have managed to convince the thief Lord, to change the nature of his guild and community. To that end, my character is trying to create a Regional Standard, or banner for the town.

I'm actually almost done, but I don't have the symbol I need to complete it. The standard is going to be a Raven holding a dagger in it's claws.

My problem? I need a non '3D raven' that is not a top down draw. I want to make it look like the raven is clutching the dagger.

Does anyone know where I can get a symbol like that?


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